ꨄ︎ 𝘿𝙤𝙪𝙢𝙖 ꨄ︎

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You exhaustedly walked to your home from another miserable day at work. It was gonna be dark soon so you had to hurry and get into closed doors. You finally made it home as your family greeted you. Your two little twin sisters gave you a hug as your older brother scolded you for taking forever to come home. "(S/n) get off your sister. She's already working her butt off. Something you should be doing". Our mother said. He rolled his eyes as he went back to whatever he was doing. He's been like that towards me because he's jealous that my parents pay more attention to me but I try to help but he just doesn't like me at all. Oh well. As long as I love him.

"Where's father?". I asked the twins. "He's sleeping right now". One of them said. I nodded and went upstairs to my room to take a shower. I took a long shower and cleared all my thoughts, the only thing on my mind was my bed as my body was aching. I got out the shower and wrapped the towel around my body as I stepped out the bathroom and immediately felt something off. Usually you would hear the twins giggling and laughing and your older brother yelling at them while your mom told them all to stop as father was sleeping but it was quiet. "Ma!?". You called out. No response. You opened your bedroom door to see a horrifying scene.

Your families bodies were piled up and there was blood everywhere. Your heart stopped as your mouth flew opened and tears rolled down your cheeks. There were 2 people or whatever the things were that didn't look human, standing downstairs one with pink bright hair and stripes and the other with rainbow eyes. They both looked up at you and the one with rainbow eyes spoke. "Looks like I missed one~ a gorgeous one at that~". It talked as it licked the blood from the corner of it's mouth. "You take these ones to master and I'll take my time with her~". I quickly slammed my door shut and locked it. I hurriedly rummaged through my room to find my phone to call for help.

I stopped as my door was kicked down and in came the rainbow eyed freakling. "Calm down darling~ I won't hurt you.... Yet~". "Wh-what are you?!". He chuckled as he brung a fan to his face. "Well I'm a demon of course~". My eyes widened as I only heard of them but never seen one. My lips quivered as I thought of my family. "What did you do to them....". I mumbled. "To who?~ your family?~ oh they'll be alright~ their just getting checked up on~". "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!". He looked me up and down and I followed his eyes. I clutched my towel tighter as I only had this to cover me.

"Oh no... No please-". I didn't get to finish as the demon was on top of me, removing my towel. "This'll be quick, darling~". Tears poured out my eyes as I thought of my final day on earth was gonna be getting raped by a demon. He was gorgeous and kind looking but considering that he was a demon and was going to rape me didn't match his appearance. He opened my legs and looked surprised as he made eye contact with me. "Your wet for me?~ usually the women I have sex with don't seem turned on by me, but you, your soaking wet~". My heart pounded in my chest as I felt his nail flick my clit and out of instinct, I moaned.

I looked at his satisfied face as he leaned down to mines. "It's seems like your enjoying this when you're supposed to be scared~". I was gonna deny but he smashed his lips onto mines. I then felt something Pearce into my entrance and I arched my back from the pain while screaming into the said demons', mouth. "Ahh!- op!- rts!". ( Translation: "Ahh! Stop! It hurts!" ). He didn't listen and just pumped his fingers in faster. I clawed at his back and tried pushing him off but he weighed a ton. My eyes stung from the tears and my throat was becoming hoarse from screaming, crying and yelling. He finally pulled his fingers out to be coated with my cum and blood and he licked it clean off.

His eyes glowed as he looked down on me. "Your blood and cum tastes amazing~ I need more!~". He spread my legs open wider as he dove his head between them and inserted his long tongue into me. I disappointedly, moaned from his actions as I gripped his hair. "Pl-please more~ don't stop~". I embarrassingly begged for more. He looked up from the meal he was slurping out and smiled with his eyes as his nails dug into my inner thighs. I tensed from the pain and it soon loosened as I came again. I breathed heavily as he licked the rest of my cum and blood, up.

"I might just have to keep you for myself at this rate~". He said and unzipped his pants and DAMN! "Oh fuck...". I said under my breath as he pulled out his 10 inch dick that would probably destroy my guts as soon as it entered. ( You've had sex with other women with that weapon!? That's illegal!). I closed my legs as I started throbbing from the scenarios in my head. He smirked at my flustered face and lifted my chin so that my eyes were looking into his rainbow ones. " Since you've been good, I'll go slow on you~".

He opened my legs back and rubbed his tip up and down my throbbing clit. His teasing made me moan and grind against his, causing his tip to enter me. "Slow down sweetheart~ I'll give you my cock~ only if you ask~". He devilishly smirked. "Please fill me with your cock...". "My name is Douma~". "Douma". "Alright~since you've asked oh so nicely~". He grunted as he thrusted into me. "God your tight (y/n)~". "How does he know my name? Oh right, he's a demon". I thought but soon got interrupted as he thrusted in and out of me.

"Ooh~ ahh~ mm~ douma~". I moaned as I held onto him. "Fuck~ keep saying my name with your pretty mouth~". He went faster and my back arched and my toes curled as I felt my high come. "I - I think I'm about to c-cum~". I moaned out. "Of course your weak little pussy couldn't take my cock~".He grunted as he picked me up  and fucked me into the wall. I moaned out one last time before i came and a few minutes later he came in me.

He breathed heavily as he pulled out of me and put me back on the ground

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He breathed heavily as he pulled out of me and put me back on the ground. My legs were tired so I held onto him while breathing heavily and his and my cum were dripping down my leg.
"Does this mean the baby will be a demon?". I looked up at him. His beautiful rainbow eyes looked into mines as he nodded. I stared in his for a moment before giving him a passionate kiss. After pulling away he grabbed a towel from the bathroom and cleaned me off.

I was finally out of my daze as I thought of my family. "D-douma what about my family!?". He put his clothes back on while I put on mines. "Their ok, sweetheart~ their just gonna get turned into demons~". "So their still gonna live?". He nodded his head as he picked me up and gave me a kiss. " let's go now~". "Wh-where are we going?". "To my castle of course~ your  going to be carrying our child so I'll keep you~". I was kinda hesitant but I just accepted it since everyone in my life was gone and going to be turned into to demons.

"Ok..". I laid my head in the crook of his neck as he jumped through the air and to wherever his castle was.

 I laid my head in the crook of his neck as he jumped through the air and to wherever his castle was

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(😮‍💨🤭🧎🏽‍♀️on my knees for him)

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