Muzan kibutsuji (his POV)

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(this is from the previous story with muzan but in his POV)

It was 9:00 at night and I was heading out the door

"I'll be back later"

I said to (y/n) before I walked out the door

*Skip to the mansion*

I was sitting in my office when akaza came in

He kneeled down as he began to talk

"I'm sorry master but once again I have not found the blue spider Lily"

"Tch. You are dismissed"

"Yes master"

He said as he walked out the office

I sat down in my chair, frustrated


I cursed as I flung the papers off the table

One of my servants came to clean it up after left my office

"Muzan dear"

Enmu called me

"What is it"

"I was wondering if I had any missions~ I'm getting so bored here~"

He said

"I don't have any mission for you right now"

I replied

"How about (y/n)? Why haven't you turned her into a demon or at least let me eat her"

My red orbs glowed when he mentioned (y/n)

I grabbed him by his throat and held him in the air

"You will not think about touching my wife. I Don't ever wanna here her name come from your mouth. Do you understand?"

He quickly nodded and I let him go

"Get out of my sight"

I said furiously

He scurried away down the hall

My mind kept thinking about (y/n)

"I'll be home in the next few hours"

I said to myself

*11 pm*

While walking to my front door the aroma of sex filled the air

I scrunched my nose as I entered and closed the door

"Is she cheating? I swear I'll kill her if she is!"

I thought to myself as my blood boiled


I called out

There was no response back so I went to our room and entered

"(Y/n)? what happened?"

I said as I saw her crying body laying on the bed

She looked startle and walked to me while crying

"These men came to the door and they.."

She sobbed

"And what did they do?"

I asked

"They...they r-raped me"

She finished and cried into my chest

My blood boiled and my aura was giving off bloodlust

"How could they do this to her? I'll kill them! I'll make them suffer!"

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