Keigo Takami (Tease)

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You were sitting on keigo's lap when he suddenly got up

"Where are you going?"

I asked

"The reporters wanna talk to me. I'll be back soon"

He said kissing my cheek before he left

I went on the news to see him talking to them about the villain attack an hour ago

While I was watching I seen one of his feathers on the floor

A devilish smirk appeared on my face when I picked it up carefully

I looked back on my screen to see him jump and look around

"What's wrong hawks?"

The lady said


He said

"Ok. Where's your wife?"

She asked


I cut him off by putting the feather in my mouth and licked it


He groaned

I just laughed


The reporter seemed concerned

"S-sorry. She In-"

I put the feather back in my mouth and sucked on it

I watched as his face went bright red

"I-I'll be right b-back!"

He said before leaving and aizawa took over the screen

I quickly switched my phone off and hid the feather behind my back

Keigo bursted through the door

"W-was that you?"

He asked

"Was what me?"

I questioned

I seen the feather from behind my back float to him

"Were you the one doing that?"

"No,I don't know how that got there"

I lied

"I know it was you because why is the feather wet?!"

"I don't know!"

"You need to stop teasing me little girl. I have work to do"

He said

"I'm not a little girl"

I said while crossing my arms

"I'm older than you so your little to me"

He said kissing me

"I have to go back please be patient,(y/n)"

He said frowning

"But I don't want you to go"

I said, also frowning

I rubbed my hands up and down his feathers

"Baby~ stop I have to go~"

He groaned

"We can do this at home, just let me finish my work"

"Ok fine"

I whined

He left out the room

I turned my phone back on to the news and seen keigo back on the screen

"Sorry about that"

He said while scratching his neck

"It's completely fine. But what about (y/n)?"

"Ah! Right she's doing fine"

"That's good. Might I ask do you guys have any kids on the way?"

"As a matter a fact we could get started now"

My face went bright red

The reporter laughed

"Were gonna have another super hero on the way!"

Keigo smiled and laughed

"I think we should get going,plus I got a lot of work to do at home"

He said while winking at the camera

I watched as keigo disappeared from the screen and all might took over

I turned my phone off

He came through the door

"You ready to go home now?"

He asked while smirking

I nodded

He picked me up and we went home
(Few years later)

"Keigo,can you go check to see if their lunches are in their backpacks? I asked them to put them in there earlier"

"Sure thing"

He said

He went to the couch and opened their backpacks

"Yep their here"

He said closing them back

"Karma! (Girl 7) Kamilo! (Boy 8) Breakfast is ready!"

I shouted upstairs

The kids came flying down the stairs while pushing eachother

"Knock it off guys. And what did I say about flying in the house?"

"Sorry mama!"

The said in sync

We sat down at the table and ate our breakfast

They put their backpacks on and headed to the door

"See you later mama"

They said


They turned and looked at me

"No phone calls today about flying at school"

"Ok mom"

"I love you guys! See you when you get off!"

"Love you too mom!"

They said

"Love you!"

Keigo shouted

They said before leaving with their dad

(Pretend that the one on the shoulder is a girl and the one he's holding can be in the colors you want)

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(Pretend that the one on the shoulder is a girl and the one he's holding can be in the colors you want)

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