sմkմղα & վմյí íԵαժօɾí

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Gojo and yuji we're talking while I was just on my phone

"It looks like megumi got hurt again so it will just be you and kugisaki together"

Gojo said

I got a little annoyed by this

It's not like I don't like kugisaki....it's just that....she's pretty and I feel like yuji would get tired of me and choose her

"Ok gojo-sensei!"

Yuji said as gojo left

He looked at me

"Poor megumi always getting hurt"

Yuji said as he started rubbing my back

"Stop touching me"

I said

"What? Why?"

He said as he laid his head on my lap

I pushed him off me and laid on my stomach

"Baby! What's wrong?!"

"Nothing...leave me alone"

I said as I was still scrolling on my phone

Surprisingly he stopped messing with me

Well that was weird

Then my phone was snatched

"Yuji give me back my phone!"

"Yuji's not here right now"

Said a familiar voice

"Sukuna! Give it!"


He said while putting it into his pocket

"Bro sukuna-"

He grabbed my face

"I'm not your bro"

He said as he pecked my lips

"Sorry. But give me my phone back!"

"Bratty girls don't deserve something they value"

He grinned

"So I don't deserve you guys?"

I smirked

His grin fell off his face

"Well....brats like you don't deserve a phone"

He said as his grin came back

"Fine then"

I said walking to the door

"I'll just go hang out with megumi"

His grin turned into an angry glare

Sukuna always get jealous when I'm around any other guy, especially megumi

"You better not walk out that door"

"I'm goingggg"

I said as I turned the door knob

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to the bed

He started biting my neck

"Gah! Sukuna stop~"

I said as I pushed his head up

"Say your sorry"


He pinned me on the bed and started removing my shorts

"Wait wait! Ok I'm sorry!"

I said

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