รɦσƭα αเƶαωα & ყαɱα∂α ɦเƶαรɦเ

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I woke up next to my captor- *Ahem* I meant aizawa

"What's today?"

I mumbled to myself

I turned my phone on

My eyes widened

"I-its Saturday?!"

I yelled under my breath

It's Saturday. Me and aizawa both know what that means. He always want me to give him something special when it's his days off.

My heart was racing when I felt an arm wrap around my waist

"Good morning baby"

Aizawa said as he kissed my cheek

I acted like I was still sleep

He turned me onto my back

"Your not sleep (y/n)"

Don't cry. Don't cry. It's alright

He kissed my neck

Tears started to form in my closed eyes

Don't cry (y/n)! No no no no no!

His hand started to roam my body

I felt as the tears started running down my cheeks and I was now sniffling

I seen aizawa's face through my teary eyes

"Oh come on kitten. Don't start this again"

He said as his face expression seemed a little pissed

"Every time I touch you,you all ways start crying!"

He raised his voice a little

"I've been so patient with you.but now...fuck it"

He said removing his shirt

I formed a bubble around me which knocked him off me

He got up

"Your just making it harder for yourself (y/n)"

I curled myself up into a ball and cried

I soon felt the bubble around me disappear

I looked up to see aizawa's red eyes

I looked up to see aizawa's red eyes

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Shit! He used his erasing quirk

He yanked me up

"P-please shota!"

"P-please shota!"

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I sniffled out

"Please what!? I've been so patient with you and leaving you alone when you cry! Can you at least go one day without fucking crying like I'm murdering you!?"

He yelled which caused me to cry more

I seen hizashi burst through the door


Aizawa let go of me

"Don't be so hard on her!"

He said walking towards me

He backed away looking pissed

"You can't keep babying her"

He said as he put his shirt on

Hizashi picked me up

"It's ok (y/n)"

He said as we walked out the room

He sat down on the couch with me on his lap

"Did he hurt you?"

He said as he rubbed my back

I wiped my tears


Then aizawa came and sat next to us

I kept my eyes on hizashi

"I'm sorry (y/n)"

Aizawa said

I didn't look at him

Hizashi gave me a look

I got up from hizashi's lap and hugged aizawa

"I forgive you"

I said

"Can I have a kiss on my cheek?"

He said turning his head

I huffed


I said as I leaned to kiss his face but he turned it and I kissed his lips


He stopped kissing me and chuckled


I said as I got off him

"Can I get a kiss too?"

Hizashi asked

"I don't know,can you?"

I said sitting between them

"I can"

He smirked as he kissed me

He picked me up and walked to the room while aizawa followed

He picked me up and walked to the room while aizawa followed___________________________________

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