DαႦι Tσԃσɾσƙι (bipolar yandere)

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"do you want anything to eat?"

Dabi asked me

"No. I'm not hungry"

"Are you sure?"

He said while pulling me to him

"Yes. I'm sure"

I said while trying to take his hands off my waist

"Baby,Please don't lie to me. You haven't ate since yesterday"

He frowned

"I don't eat a lot dabi. I'm fine"


Toga yelled from downstairs

He snaked his arm around my waist and picked me up

"Don't try anything funny"

He said and gave me a kiss

He put me down and I waited until I heard the door close

I slowly creaked out the door and of course a nomu was standing there

I shuddered as its eyes looked at me

I slowly walked in front of it but it didn't do anything

I waved my hand in it's face and it didn't move

"Is it sleep?"

I didn't bother finding out as I ran to the door but it was locked from the outside


I looked around the house for something to open it with and I found an axe

I picked it up and swung it to break the knob off and it worked. I didn't waste no time and quickly dashed out the door

It took a while but I made it to my mom's house

I knocked on the door

"Please be here mom!"

I prayed to myself

After a while the door opened

I cried as I seen my mother's face


I said and hugged her


She hugged me and pulled me inside

"Mom I missed you so much!"

I cried into her chest

She started laughing

I looked up at her

"Why are you laughing mom?"

She let go of me and she transformed into toga

"No...no no no! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY MOM?!"

I screamed at her

Then dabi came from the corner

"She's right here (y/n)"

He said and my mom came around the corner


I hugged her

"These people are evil! They took me from you!"

She pushed me gently off her

"I'm sorry dear but I'm not your mom. I don't have any kids"

"What? No! Its me (y/n)! Your daughter!"

She looked at dabi

"Will she be ok?"

"Yeah she will. Come on (y/n)"

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