Villian deku (yandere)

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You were simply told by shigaraki that deku wanted you to put on something for him and he handed it to you. You snatched it and slammed the door on his face. You threw whatever was in the bag on the bed. You weren't going to put anything that psychotic boy got you, on. You were already hot and thinking of midoriya made you angrier

You got up and took a long shower without being interrupted by a green head freak. Once you got out, you wrapped a towel around your body and walked out the bathroom to the bed. You sat down, Still wrapped in the towel. You picked up the bag that was on the bed and opened it to see what it was. Your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed

It was a simple green colored lingerie set

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It was a simple green colored lingerie set. Was he planning didn't want to think about it as you tossed it to the side. Sure it was cute but you weren't going to wear it for him. Before you could get dressed, someone walked in the room. It was of course, midoriya. He closed the door as he looked at your towel wrapped body. He smirked and walked towards you. You kept eye contact as you backed away from him on the bed. He leaned over you and placed his hands under the towel to hold your thighs down.

You clutched the towel tighter as your breathing quickened. "I was expecting you to put on the gift I gave you but this is way better. Although I would like to see what your body would look like in that lingerie~". You gulped down. "I-i wasn't done getting dressed". You said, scared that he might of punished you for not putting on the lingerie. His hand caressed your cheek as it went up your face and to your hair. He grabbed a fist full of hair and you whimpered. "You didn't listen to me when I told you to put the lingerie on. Do you know how sad it makes me when I have to hurt you for not listening? Hm?". "I-i'm sorry! I can go-" you got cut off as he let go of your hair and pushed you down onto the bed.

"Too late now. I'll just leave you like this". He said as he threw the towel off you and kissed you. You tried avoiding the kiss and pushed him off you but he forced his self onto you more. His hands started picking at your nipples. You grabbed his hands and he stopped kissing you. "Midoriya, please stop..". "Why should I stop?. I asked you to do a simple thing and you couldn't even do that. So why should I fulfill your request?!". "I-i'm sorry. I'll put-" you got cut off again as he smashed his lips back onto yours

Your eyes started getting wet as tears left them. Midoriya took his clothes off and lined his cock up into your vagina. You breathed heavily as he started pushing into you. He didn't let you adjust as he thrusted into you. Which was a bad idea because you started to scream and cry from the pain the green head was causing. "Midoriya, p-please let me adjust!". He made eye contact with you as he smirked and kissed you, swallowing the screams and moans from you

Your nails started scratching his back, trying to get him to stop. Which caused him to pin your wrists down and thrust harder. Your back arched as the knot in your stomach came loose. He kept thrusting into your tired body until you felt his cock twitch. You thought he was gonna pull out and cum on your stomach but you were wrong. His thrusting came to a stop as he stiffened and his cum spilled into you. "MIDORIYA! NOOOOO!". You screamed. He slapped a hand over your mouth. "shh~ shh~ shh~ my love~ this is your punishment for not listening. I've let you slide so many times. But this time you really done it. Now stop screaming and crying before I fill you again"

You swallowed the rest of your cries and he got off you. He grabbed a wet towel and cleaned you up. He put his clothes back on and kissed you. "Alright my love. I've got to go now. Sleep tight~". He kissed my lips and you had no choice but to kiss him back. "I love you". He cooed. "I love you too..." You said, loud enough for him to hear. You turned over and got under the covers before closing your eyes. "I'll be back later, love". He said before he left. You wiped the tears that were coming down your face as you thought of your growing belly came. Sure you loved midoriya but the way he shows his love, scares you.

You wanted to start a family with him but not this soon. You were worried and kinda happy at the same time. Maybe he will change once you have his baby?. You hoped he would.









Fast forward to when you had a son. Midoriya did change a lot. You rarely got punishments from him anymore. He loved his son so much, considering that he looks like him. He would do anything for him. The league loved him so much too. They even took him out places whenever midoriya wanted alone time with you. And sometimes you guys would go out to eat as a family. You forbid your son from watching the news of his dad. You even forbid midoriya from taking him to watch as he fought of hero's, as it was dangerous. Midoriya would LOVE to see his son be like him. You aloud him to be like his father although you didn't want him to. But your son told you that he wanted to be just like his father so you supported his choice. Still loving them both unconditionally








Willow-tozier made another one of your request. I'll work on the rest later.

Youfailthevibecheck your request will be the next book











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