Genya shinazugawa (soft yandere)

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I was at home trying to find a way to escape but everything was locked or had a password to it. I tried melting the metal bars that were on the window but it almost caught on fire so I had to pour water on it to stop it from burning. I sat on the floor and cried. I couldn't find a way out of this place. Then I heard the front door open and genya's voice.

"(Y/n) what are you doing? Why is it so quiet up there?". His rough voice asked. "What's that smell?!". Shit! He smelt the burning metal and carpet. I couldn't even say anything as he bursted through the bedroom door and saw me. He looked towards the window and down at the carpet where he seen a burnt patch. "What the hell were you doing?!". He yelled.

I flinched and ran to the bathroom and locked it, feared that he would hurt me. He banged on the door and I closed my eyes while covering my ears. "(Y/n)! If you don't open this dooor then I'm gonna kick it down! And if I kick it down it's gonna be a must worst punishment!". I opened the bathroom door and he was standing there while I was crying.

I seen as his eyes were raging with anger. He pushed me into the bathroom and I got scared. I tried running out the door but he wrapped his arms around me and placed a hand over my mouth. "Shh~ shh~ shh~ it's gonna be alright~". I kicked and screamed as he carried me to the bed. He threw me roughly onto the bed and held me down by my neck.

"Get off me!". I screamed at him. He rolled his eyes as his other hand went between my legs. (Your wearing a oversized shirt with only panties on). His thumb lightly rubbed over my clit and I let out a moan filled laugh as it tickled. "St-stop~". I kicked him and it connected to his chin as his head flew backwards.

I jumped from the bed and looked at him. He held his head back for a couple of seconds before he lowered it back down. His lip and tongue was bleeding. "G-Genya! I'm sorry!". Although he hurts me sometimes, I still love him and understand him. He was quiet for a minute until I heard light sobs come from him.

"Genya!?". I held his face in my hands as tears left his eyes. "I'm sorry (y/n)... for all the times I've hurt you and for keeping you locked up here... I just don't want you to leave me... like everyone else". I went to grab a towel to wipe his mouth and tears.

He stopped crying and looked at me. "I understand if you want to leave me...but do know that I love you". He hugged me tightly and my heart shattered. "Genya... I won't leave you". I hugged him back tighter. His body seemed to relax in my arms.

He stopped hugging me and kissed me. I kissed him back before pulling away. "Im sorry I almost burned the house down". He chuckled a bit. "It's fine". He said as he stood up and took his shirt off. "What you doing?". I smiled and looked up at him. He smirked and looked down at me. "You know what I'm doing".

I bit my lip as he got closer to me. I started taking off my clothes but he laid down on the side of me while grabbing the remote. I looked at him confused and he looked at me the same way. "what?". "I thought- nvm". I said as I laid down next to him. "You thought what?". "Nothing". I said. A minute went by before he attacked my neck with kisses.

"Genya!". I giggled. "I wasn't gonna do you like that". He said and left hickey's on my neck while I moaned softly.











Sorry guys for not updating for a WHOLE month and 4 days😭 to make it up to you guys, y'all can request any anime and I'll try my best to make it (make it easier by choosing a character I haven't done from one of the animes in my book because if i...

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Sorry guys for not updating for a WHOLE month and 4 days😭 to make it up to you guys, y'all can request any anime and I'll try my best to make it (make it easier by choosing a character I haven't done from one of the animes in my book because if it's from a different anime then it will take longer for it to come out). Luvv y'all!!!

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