☦︎𝑴 𝑬 𝑮 𝑼 𝑴 𝑰 𝑭 𝑼 𝑺 𝑯 𝑰 𝑮 𝑼 𝑹 𝑶☦︎ (yandere)

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You walked the quiet streets on your way to your boyfriend's house

You heard rustling in the bushes but shrugged it off as an animal

You arrived to your boyfriend's house and knocked

He opened the door but it was dark so you couldn't see him.then he hugged you

"Hi babe!"

You squealed

He closed the door and you couldn't see anything

"Why is it so dark in here?"

You said flipping the switch on.

You turned around and your heart stopped

It was megumi,your ex

"What's wrong baby?"

He said walking to me

I backed away until my back hit the wall

"Surprised to see me?"

He smirked

"Wh-wheres (bf/n)!?"

He chuckled getting closer

He pulled my chin up and looked at me

"Don't worry about him right now,I'm gonna take you back home"

He said leaning to kiss me

I kicked his nuts and he fell to the floor


He looked at me anger in his eyes

I ran upstairs and he ran after me

I quickly closed and locked the door

I pulled my phone out to call 911

"911 what's your emergency?"

"I-I need help!,my ex is chasing after me trying to kidnap me!"

"Does he have a weapon on him?"

Megumi then started banging on the door,while shouting

"I-I don't know!"

"Ok where are you right now?"

"I'm in my boyfriends room"

"Ok is there a bathroom in there?"


"Ok go in there and lock the door"

"Ok I'm going there right no-"

I got cut off walking into the bathroom and seeing (bf/n) in the bathtub...with....blood

I screamed and cried out

"M-ma'am are you all right"

I heard the door get broken off it's hinges


My phone was snatched and broke in half

Megumi laughed and grabbed me

"Let me go!"

I cried out

"You should've never left (y/n)"

I cried louder

"Why did you kill him!?"

I said hitting his chest

"I'm sorry but I had to"

He said kissing me

I pushed him off me

"I don't wanna be with you"

"Too late you already are"

(Years later)

Megumi came through the door and kissed me

"Hi my beautiful wife"


"Are you ok?"

He asked me,picking me up


I said as he sat me on the couch

He kissed my swollen belly

"Can't believe our baby will be here in 1 more month"

He smiled

"Yeah...I'm so...excited"

I muttered

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