DABI (hiding)

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Dabi and the rest of the league was out

He let me stay at home alone.well not alone because he had one of the nomu's watching over me

God I'm terrified of those things,so I just stayed in our room

It was getting boring so I turned on the TV to watch the news

I seen bakugou,deku and the rest of my friends fighting

I sighed because I miss them so much

I turned the TV off to try not to cry while thinking of my friends

I could've used my quirk,which is shock

I could send out a shock wave,stunning whoever is in my 5 meter range for 20 seconds

That's why they call me shock wave

I also can control robots and other electrical things,taking over them and using it with my power for 2 minutes

But they had a quirk nullifier on me

Which was on my ankle

I tried taking it off but It was no use

Then I heard the league all coming back and I hid

Dabi entered the room


He called for me but I didn't answer

"Hey guys!,have you seen (y/n)!?"

"How are we supposed to know if we were gone too?!"

Shigaraki spat out

Dabi walked out the room

"God when I find this girl I swear I'm gonna hurt her"

Hearing this I got scared and came from my hiding place

I walked out the room

"I'm right here..….."

I said quietly

"Look she's right there"

Toga said

The others left to their rooms

Dabi came to me pulling me into the room

"Why the fuck are you hiding?!"

He grabbed the back of my head

"I-I'm sorry!"

I said

"Your not FUCKING sorry!"

He said throwing me on the bed

"Dabi please-"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Tears streamed down my eyes

"I gotta treat you like some fucking kid!"

He got on top of me,yelling in my face

"I try to take you out on missions, but you do shit like this to fucking irritate me. it makes me not trust you"

I turned my head the other way while closing my eyes

"Fucking look at me!"

He said grabbing my face

He heated up his other hand,placing it on my thigh

I cried

"Please stop!,dabi!"

I cried while trying to push him off of me

He got even more mad,so he heated it up more

I cried louder


He remove his hand from my thigh and face

"You make me do this to you"

He said,kissing me

"I'm sorry"

Dabi said

I wiped my tears,while still softly crying

He kissed my neck to my collarbone


He grabbed my hand,taking me to the bar

Sitting me down on one of the stools

He grabbed some ice,placing it on the spot he burned


I yelped

"It's ok"

He said placing it on there

He carried me back upstairs

"I promise if you be good next time then I will take you on our next mission"

I nodded as I fell asleep in his arms

(I might make a part 2 but it depends)

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