Tanjiro kamado

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You were at home while tanjiro was out with inosuke and Zenitsu hanging out

You was in the kitchen cleaning and making lunch for when tanjiro came back home

After a few minutes you were done with his and your food

You put his food up and ate yours

After you finished eating you went upstairs and put on a movie

While watching the movie your phone rang

It was tanjiro FaceTiming you

"Hi baby"

You spoke as you seen his face pop up onto the screen

"Hi baby!"

He said

"Where are you right now?"

I asked

"I'm at the arcade"

"Oh...I'm missing you already"

I said while frowning

He frowned too

"I miss you too. But I promise I'll be home in the next hour"


"Love you!"

"Love you too!"

I said and hung up and went back to watching the movie

After a few hours I heard tanjiro come in

"Babe I'm back!"

He said while coming upstairs

"Hi my love"

He said and peppering my face with kisses

I didn't respond to him

"What's wrong darling?"

He asked while getting on top of me

"You said you were going to be back in an hour not a few hours"

"I'm sorry my love I got caught up with the time"

He said as he rubbed my thigh

"Please forgive me my love?"

He said while he gave me puppy eyes

"Stop looking at me like that!"

I pouted

He laughed

"What? Like this?"

He said before giving me a kiss on the lips


You became flustered and hid your face

Tanjiro laughed at your actions before moving your hands from your face

"Your so cute when your flustered, (y/n)"

"I'm still mad at you"

"No your not"

"How do you know?"

"Your talking to me right now"

You looked away from his eyes,knowing it was true

"Fine..I'm not mad at you anymore"

"Nuh uh look at me and say it again"

"Why? You already know I'm not mad at you anymore"

He grabbed my face,softly

"I don't care. Look at me when you say it"

I looked into his beautiful soft eyes

"I'm not mad at you anymore"

I said and gave him a kiss

He kissed me back but made it deeper

I tried to push him off but he just pulled me closer

Finally he pulled away and we both were out of breathe

"You always got to do extra"

I said while flipping our positions so that I was now on top of him

"What? I can't love my baby?!"

I giggled

"You can love your baby by watching a movie with me"

I smiled


He said while I picked a movie and laid on his chest while watching it

"Oh and by the way, did you eat? Because I made you a plate of food"

"Oh yeah I did. I'll eat it when I'm hungry"

"Ok. Love you"

"I love you too my love"

"I love you too my love"_________________________________

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