𝕿𝖔𝖒𝖚𝖗𝖆 𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖐𝖎

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9:04 pm. You were in the garage washing clothes. After you put the clothes in the washer machine and turned it on, you sat on the pool table and waited for the drying clothes to be done since it only had 10 more minutes. You were cold so you grabbed the blanket you folded and wrapped yourself around it and dangled your feet off the pool table. A minute later shigaraki came into the garage and walked over to you.

"You done washing?". "No. This is the last load I'm doing. I'm waiting for the drying clothes to be done right now". You said, looking at the dryer that had "9 minutes left" on it. Shigaraki came and stood between your legs, towering over you as you continued to swing your legs. (You guys been dating for 2 months). He gave you a kiss and you kissed him back. He had this weird look in his eyes as he stared at you. Almost like lust?.

"What's wrong, baby?". I said while running my hands up and down his back.(I keep switching pov's I say "you" one minute and "I" the next so just forgive me on that). He looked away as his cheeks burned a light pink. I felt something poke at my thigh and looked down to see his hard erection. "O-oh". I blushed and looked back at him. "I-im sorry about that (y/n)". He said as he turned around and started walking back into the house. "W-wait-, shigaraki". I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

He looked down at me as his blush grew bigger. "I- I can help you with it. I've been kind of. . . Sexually active too . . . ". Even though you never had sex before, you were still smart enough to know when your body needed sexual contact. "Alright then~". His shyness seemed to fade as he laid your back on the pool table. "W-we're gonna do it here?". I asked. He nodded. He took my shirt off, as well as my pants before taking off his shirt. He lowered down to my neck as he kiss and licked over sensitive areas. You couldn't help but let out a shaky moan. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to your body.

He stopped kissing your neck and looked at you "woah calm down, love. I'm gonna get there in just a second". "S-sorry". "You don't have to apologize". He said as he removed my bra. My nipples hardened in the cold air and a shiver went up my spine. "Y-you've done this before. . . Right?". I asked him. "I've done it enough to know what to do". Of course he have. I don't even know why I asked him. My thoughts soon flew away as I felt his warms hands pull at my waist. I looked down to see what he was pulling at and it was my panties. I nodded and he slid them off.

"You've been hiding this ocean away from my shark for this long?". He smirked while flicking my clit. I gasped as it sent a pleasurable wave up and down my body. "Please, please stop teasing. I-i need you now". "Alright, love~". He unzipped his pants and pulled them down, as well as his boxers. My eyes traveled down his toned abs and to his waist line. My heart stopped as I seen how big it was. Of course I've never seen a dick in real life but I'm sure this isn't a normal size.

"Uhm shi-shigaraki". "Yes?~". "I don't think I could take that". "How would you know if you haven't tried it yet?". "U-uh I-I don't know". "Don't worry love just let me take care of you. And let daddy try to please you as much as I can~. Ok?". I nodded my head as I laid my back down onto the table. Shigaraki then grabbed my legs and placed them on his shoulder as he looked down at me. "You ready?~". " I-i think s-so". "Alright, love~". He said and slowly slid himself into you. Your back arched and you tried to close your legs from the pain but shigaraki opened them gently. "Don't worry, love". He said and pushed in and out very slowly.

"O-ouch..". You winced. "Mmm....". You mumbled as you tried to take him. He sped up just a lil' and your legs already started to shake. Shigaraki had a hard time trying to keep your legs still as you grabbed onto the pool table."I'm gonna go a bit faster. Ok?". You nodded as your eyes started watering. He grabbed your waist and pulled it forward while thrusting into you. "SHIGARAKI! FUCK! OWWW!". You tried your hardest not to scream but it hurts too much. "I-it hurts! I can't, I can't do it shigaraki!. Shigaraki! SHIGARAKI STOP!". You didn't mean to yell but he instantly stopped and pulled out as you breathed heavily.

"Am I hurting you, love?! I'm sorry I didn't mean to!". You watched his expression and he looked like he did something wrong. "No no! I just.. can't take it. It hurts too much". "I'm sorry, love! W-we can stop!". "N-no. I wanna do this..". " But if it's hurting you then I don't wanna continue". "Shigaraki....just do it". He looked at me as he was thinking about what to do. "Are you sure?". I nodded. He then carefully held my legs open as he placed his tip inside. I winced but tried not to show it as he went all the way in. He waited for me to give him a signal and I let go of the breath I never knew I was holding and told him to move. He then slowly moved in and out and it hurt for a few seconds before it started to feel good.

You then started moaning as he started thrusting in faster. Then out of nowhere the pleasure left and the pain came back which caused you to whimper and grab onto shigaraki's shoulders. He looked at the face expression you were making and slowed down a bit. "No keep going shigaraki! I can take it!". He listened to the orders and went faster. "Come on (y/n) you can do it". He praised you. You tightened your eyes as you wrapped your legs around his waist and wrapped your arms around his neck. You then hid your face into his neck.

The pain finally went away once he started hitting a spot in you and you were back to moaning. "G-go faster please! Ahn~ it feels so good shigaraki~". He went faster, digging into your core as you moaned into his ear. You then felt something tight in your stomach and with a few more thrusts it came loose. Shigaraki then pulled out and cummed all on the pool table. You looked at the mess you guys made while panting. "Now I have to clean the pool table off". You playfully frowned. Shigaraki kissed your forehead. "It's ok my love. I'll do it. You did such a good job taking me". You were about to praise him back but you felt something leak out from your vagina so you looked down to see blood.

"I'm sorry, I went too hard". "No it's ok. You did good too". You smiled at him. "Does it hurt?". You shook your head no. "I'm gonna go get a towel to clean you". He said before pulling up his pants and going into the house. He came back a minute later and cleaned all the fluids off you before putting your clothes on. Just in time for the drying clothes to be done. You hopped off the pool table about to take the clothes out when shigaraki wrapped an arm around your waist. "Don't worry. I'll do everything. You can go rest". You gave him a kiss. " Are you sure?". He nodded. "Ok" you gave him another kiss before going upstairs and into the bathroom to take a bath.

Once you took a bath, you laid down and shigaraki came in. He got in the shower before laying down behind you, spooning you. "I love you (y/n)". I love you too, shigaraki". You guys said before going to bed.

This one is for the long wait Youfailthevibecheck

(I really need you guys to start voting please🥺 thank you loves💕)

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(I really need you guys to start voting please🥺 thank you loves💕)

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