🍃 Karaku 🍃 & 🦅 Urogi 🦅

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I was laying down in bed on my way to sleep when I heard the door creep open. "Fuck. It's urogi again. He better not bring no bs again like he did last week". "(Y/n)". I opened my eyes all the way. "Yes urogi?". "What are you doing?". "IM GOING TO SLEEP OBVIOUSLY DUMBASS!". Is what I wanted to say but I held my tongue and replied calmly instead. "I'm going to sleep. I'm tired".

"No your not. Get up". "What? Why?". "What did I tell you about questioning me?". "But I have a right to question you about why I can't sleep". I said as I sat up. "You don't have the right to do anything unless I say so". "Urogi why are you messing with me?". I kept my voice calm as to not be disrespectful.

"Me messing with you?". "Yes can you leave me alone?". He walked over to me and stood over me. "I said get up!". "Urogi leave me alone please". He kept edging me to make me mad. I turned on my side and tried to ignore him but he snatched the covers off me and I stood up and pushed him. "UROGI LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!". When I pushed him he hit the wall and it made a [Thud] noise.

Urogi smirked as he looked toward the door and I seen karaku. "K-karaku h-". "She's being disrespectful and she pushed me". Karaku made his way towards me as I backed away. "K-karaku listen I-I-". "Shut your fucking mouth. Why have you been so disrespectful this week?". I broke down crying and I screamed at him. "IM NOT DOING ANYTHING I-I-". "Don't raise your fucking voice at me and calm down".

I stopped crying and sniffled while wiping my tears. "Urogi get out". Karaku said. He left the room and closed the door. Karaku sat on the bed and motioned for me to sit on his lap. I sat on his lap as I let out a deep sigh. "Tell me what happened". "I-I was laying down about to go to sleep when urogi c-came in and was messing with me. He told me that I w-wasn't aloud to sleep. I asked him why and he said I was being disrespectful because I asked him why".

"And why was there a big thud noise?". I looked down while fiddling with my fingers. He lifted my chin up. "What did you do baby". "I-uhm pushed him because he snatched the c-covers off me...". "Ok I understand but your still not supposed to put your hands on him. Do you think you deserve a punishment". "N-no...".

"I should give you a light punishment but I'll let you slide this time ok baby?". I nodded. He gave me a kiss and laid me down, putting the covers over me. "I'll keep him out of here". "Ok...I love you..". His eyes lit up because this is my first time saying I love you to him. "I love you more baby". He smothered my face in kisses before leaving the room.

A few minutes later karaku came in with urogi. "Apologize". Urogi crossed his arms. "I'm sorry". "(Y/n), apologize for pushing him". "I'm sorry...". "Give her a kiss". Urogi made his way to me and placed a kiss on my lips. He then left the room. "You can sleep now". Karaku said before leaving.

{Karaku (left) pleasure demon}

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{Karaku (left) pleasure demon}

{Urogi (right) joy demon}

Made: April 18th 2024

Time: 10:59 pm

(597 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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