𝑴 𝑶 𝑵 𝑲 𝑬 𝒀 𝑫 𝑳 𝑼 𝑭 𝑭 𝒀 ( surprise )

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Luffy walked through the door looking as happy as ever

"Why are you so happy?"

I said raising my eyebrow and smiling

"Can I not be happy to see my wife?!"

He said kissing me

"Well it doesn't matter cause your gonna be even more happy"

He raised his eyebrow


"Close your eyes"

He closed his eyes,and I reached for his hand,placing the item in his palm

"Open them"

He opened his eyes and looked at the pregnancy test,he froze


'what if he doesn't want a baby? Will he make me get rid of it? Will he accuse me of cheating?'

My heart pounded in my chest,I was about to speak when suddenly I was picked up and hugged

I looked at Luffy and he was crying

"Omg baby!,we're gonna have a kid!"

I giggled and kissed him

He put me down

"How long?"

"4 weeks"

I said lifting up my shirt

"You can't really see it but it's growing"

I said looking at him

He got on his knees and started kissing my belly

"I love you so much already!"

He said after smothering my belly with kisses.

I giggled when he called EVERYONE to tell them the news

I smiled to myself already thinking of names

After 10 minutes he got off the phone



He looked at me

"What should we name it?"


" Fufly (foo-flee),d monkey,for a boy"

He hummed again

"And lufly (loof-flee), (mn/i) monkey"

'fufly d monkey for our son,and lufly (your middle name initial) monkey'

"Not bad!"

I said and kissed him

"I can't wait till they,she,or a he comes"

(If you wanna change the names you can,honestly I just put some shit together I don't even know what names those are💀)

(5 years later)

Our son and daughter were both playing in the backyard with our poodle,(dog name), while I was cleaning the house.

Soon I was done with cleaning and sat on the couch,a minute later Luffy stepped through the door and hugged me

"Did you get the decorations?"

I asked


"Ok let me put them up"

I said grabbing the bag and putting it away in our room in the closet

After putting the bag in the closet Luffy came into the room and sat me on the bed

"I can't believe they're turning 6!"

He said laying me on the bed

"I know their growing up so fast!"

I said.he then started kissing me and tried to remove my shirt

"Wait,baby what are you doing?,we can't have another kid already!"

I giggled

"Why not just one more?!"

"Nope!,that pregnancy was not easy"

I giggled as he kissed me again

While he kissed me our kids came running into the room,and Luffy quickly shot up and began tickling me to play it off


Our daughter said as she tackled him off me,while our son stood there glaring at Luffy

"What's wrong,(son name)?"

"Why was daddy tickling you?"

He said pouting

"I'm only aloud to do that!"

I laughed as Luffy picked him up and tickled him

"She's my wife and I can tickle her too!"

He said while laughing

Our son laughed as his sister started tickling him too

'i love all my babies so much'

I thought to myself

Soon the kids got tired and fell asleep.luffy and I put them in the room and closed the door

We walked back to our room and I closed the bedroom door,locking it,and turned to Luffy

"Maybe having another kid doesn't sound too bad"

I said while crawling on top of him

"Try not to make too much noise"

He said while smirking

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