𝘋𝘢𝘣𝘪 𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘪 (piercing)

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(scroll all the way to the end first)

I was finishing up one of my clients tattoo of a butterfly and flower

"There you go! Do you like it?"

I asked the lady

"Wow! This is so good! Thank you!"

"No problem! Come again"

I said and she payed me then left. I put the tattoo gun down and sighed as I sat down. One of my coworkers came to me

"What's wrong (y/n)? Do you want to take a break?"

I nodded my head and went to the back to grab a water bottle and granola bar. I sat down to eat my snack when I noticed my phone was missing. I groaned and put the snacks down before going back to the front

"Hey tiki, do you know where my phone is?"

I walked back to the front and seen she was talking to this guy with staples and purple patches on his skin. He looked familiar but I didn't really care as I was looking for my phone

"Did you want a tattoo or piercing?"

I heard tiki ask the man


He simply said

I found my phone and put it into my pocket

"I want her to do it"

He said while looking at me

"Uh sir she's on break right now"

"I'll wait then"

He said

I rolled my eyes

"It's ok tiki I can do it now"

I said to her and she left to the back. I spun a chair around while patting the seat


I told him and he smirked while sitting down. I handed him a board with piercings and told him to choose before I went to grab the piercing gun and I washed my hands and put gloves on. I went to grab the other things I needed before returning back to the guy

"Did you pick?"

"I want you"

He said smirking

I was confused for a minute before my face went red

"You want me on your tongue?"

He nodded again. I cleared my throat

"There's no time for jokes. I'm supposed to be on break right now so hurry"

"Who said it was a joke?"

I looked away from his eyes and I heard him chuckle

"I want this one"

He finally said while pointing at a black tongue ring


I said while pulling his chin up

"Open your mouth for me"

"Anything for you"

He said before sticking his long tongue out

"Your tongue is so long"

I mumbled

"I can do a lot of tricks with it too~"

He said

"Y-you heard me?"

I blushed

He squinted his eyes before pulling my face close to his

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