Zenitsu agatsuma (yandere obsession)

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"(Y/nnnn)~". Zenitsu called from a distance. I put my sword down and seen him running towards me. "Zenit-". I got cut off as he jumped on me and we both fell to the ground. "Ack zenitsu!". He got off me and I stood up only to be in zenitsu's embrace. "I missed you too zenitsu! Now let go you're squeezing me!".

"Ah! I'm sorry (y/n)!". He apologized. I smiled and looked at the others. " hi tanjiro! Hello inosuke!". I waved. "Hi (y/n)!". Tanjiro said as he hugged me. I looked at inosuke and waved. "Hello (mispronounced name)!". "It's (y/n)...anyways, how have you guys been?!". "We've been great! What are you doing?". Tanjiro asked.

"I was just training a bit. What made you guys stop bye?". "Well-". Zenitsu pushed him, cutting him off. He gave them both a cold side eye. He then smiled as he looked back at me. "I just wanted to come see you! And maybe later on we could go to my place?". I smiled and nodded. "Sure why not?".

Tanjiro looked at me and gestured his eyes as if telling me to follow him. "I'll be right back guys!". I said as I followed tanjiro. I felt a burning sensation at the back of my head as I walked away from inosuke and zenitsu. We made a far enough distance away from the two boys as tanjiro began to talk.

"(Y/n) listen. There's been something off with zenitsu lately..". "What do you mean?". "He's been doing weird stuff like whenever we bring you up he always seems to make a friendly threat to us and then says he's joking. Or just like a few minutes ago when he gave me that nasty glare when I hugged you. And not to mention one time when I went to his house I entered this room but didn't get to fully step inside as zenitsu yanked me away from the room and shut it locked!".

I looked at him for a moment and noticed he was breathing heavily. "Calm down tanjiro. You know he gets like this whenever he has a crush on someone. And right now he has a crush on me. So of course he would freak out every-time you guys bring me up". I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder. He placed both of his hands on my shoulder as he shook me slightly. "No (y/n)! Listen! He tried to threaten me with a kni-".

"Is there a problem? Tanjiro?". Zenitsu said behind me as tanjiro let go of my shoulders and smiled. "Yep all good!". "That's great!". Zenitsu smiled. "Now (y/n) could we go to my place now?". I looked at tanjiro and he smiled nervously. "Uhh I think I'm just gonna go to my place. Besides I've been training for a long time and I'm kinda tired".

"Oh please (y/n)?". He begged as he gave me puppy eyes. "Uhhh...". I sighed and gave in. "Sure zenitsu let's go". He happily took my hand as we started walking. I looked back at tanjiro and he waved a little. "Is something wrong?". "No. I'm just checking if I left anything". The rest of the walk to his place was quiet.

We made it to his house and he opened the door for me. "Ladies first". " thank you zenitsu". I walked in and we went to the living room. "So why'd you want me to come over?". "So that we could have some alone time. Without the others". "Oh ok...". " are you ok?". "Yeah. I just need some water. I'm dehydrated from all that training and walking".

He got up went to the kitchen to pour me a glass of water. I drank half the glass and placed it onto the table. Zenitsu sat next to me and put an arm around me. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you". He said. " I already know zenitsu. You have a crush on me". "It's that obvious?". He chuckled.

"So will you be my girlfriend?". He scooted closer to me. I scooted away a bit but he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back close to him. "Zenitsu your great and all but I only see you as a friend...". He stared at me for a bit as the love that was in his eyes turned into anger. " it's because of tanjiro right?". "What?". "You love tanjiro...don't you?".

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