HISOKA MOROW (got time?)

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You were sitting on the edge of you bed,reading a book on your phone

Hisoka came into the room

"Babe,you've been reading for hours,I wanna do something~"

You were to deeply into you book that you didn't notice hisoka standing in front of you

"You got time?~"

You still didn't notice him

Until he snatched your phone and something hard was placed into your hand

To your horror it was hisoka's cock

You shrieked

"Hisoka what the hell!!"

You said, accidently pulling it

He groaned and pushed you down on the bed

"Hisoka get off me!"

"Aww I just wanna have fun~"

He frowned

"Babe we had fun earlier!"

"I know~ but I can't help myself~"

He said rubbing his cock between your legs

(You have one of his shirts on with no pants beneath them)

"Hisoka no~"

You said squeezing your legs together


He huffed and got off of you

He put his boxers back on and handed you your phone before leaving out the room

After a few minutes you put your phone down and took your panties off before heading out the room

You seen hisoka sitting on the couch

You walked towards him

You grabbed his phone from his hand and tossed it to the side

You started removing his boxers

You climbed on top of him before inserting his cock into your entrance

"Fuck baby~"

He groaned before making you bounce up and down~

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