Shota Aizawa & Hizashi Yamada

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I got bored from reading the book that hizashi let me borrow. Since he was on night patrol this time, aizawa was at home with me. He was in his office doing some work last time I checked. So I went to see what he was doing now. I opened the
Door and seen him sitting in his chair while doing his paperwork. He didn't even look up from the papers to see who came through the door.

"Aizawa?". I called him softly. "Hm?". He hummed as he continued to do his work. I walked next to him and looked down at his papers as I spoke. "I'm bored. Can we do something?". I said as I played with his hair. "I can't. I have a lot more work to do. Go play with the dog". He said as he waved my hand off his head.  "But I don't-". I got cut off as he slammed his hands on the table and stood up.

"(Y/n) your fucking irritating me right now! I have loads of work that needs to be turned in tomorrow and your fucking distracting me!". He yelled at me while grabbing my arm tightly. "Ow! Aizawa!". I said as my eyes got watery. "I'm sorry! I won't bother you anymore!". He seemed to calm down a bit as he seen tears fall out my eyes. He was about to say something but I quickly ran out his offic and into the room.

I locked myself in there and cried. About 20 minutes later I heard hizashi come through the front door. "(Y/n)! Aizawa!". He called from downstairs. I cracked the door open to see if aizawa was waiting outside the door and he was. I tried to close it back but he quickly rushed in.

"No! Aizawa!". I screamed. "(Y/n) I'm-".  Just then hizashi bursted into the door. "What's wrong (y/n)?!". He seen me crying and pushed aizawa aside. "What's wrong little listener?". He looked on my arms and saw bruises. "Who did this to you?!". He shouted. "Hizashi-". Aizawa called him but he just cut him off.

"I want to know who did this to her?!". "It". Hizashi turned to look at him. "Why would you hurt her? Why did you do it?! Tell me now!". "It was on accident. I snapped at her". "Why I oughta-". I stood between them to stop hizashi from pouncing on aizawa. "Hizashi please calm down".

"I'm sorry (y/n). Let me see your arms". He said and touched them. I winced and he looked sad to see me like this. "(Y/n) I'm so sorry I didn't mean to snap on you I promise it won't happen again I was just stressed and- and-". Aizawa rambled on and I heard how sorry he was in his voice and I cut him off. "It's ok aizawa. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I still love you".

He hugged me and I gave him a kiss. "I promise I will never snap on you again". He said and gave me a passionate kiss. I seen hizashi in the corner of my eye as he had his arms crossed and he still looked heated.

I stopped kissing aizawa and gave him a kiss. "Calm down hizashi I'm ok. Please don't be mad at him". I said. " alright. But only because you asked". He picked me up and sat on the bed. "I love you so much (y/n) and I don't want any bad happen to you.". He said as he squeezed me. "I love you too ". Aizawa came and sat next to us. "And I love you aizawa".

"So what made him snap on you?". " I was bored so I wanted to do something with him". "Like what?". He smirked. "Not in that way! Gosh your so dirty minded! Anyways, I wanted to play a game". "What kind of game?". " I don't know". "Well we've got a game in mind~". He looked at aizawa.

"What is it?". He slid his hands under my shirt and bra then thumbed my nipples with his cold hands. "Ah! Hizashi your hands are cold!!". "I'll let you warm them up for me~". He said then laid me down on the bed










(Sorry but we're gonna stop here😛)

 He said then laid me down on the bed•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•(Sorry but we're gonna stop here😛)

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(722 words)

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