᯾𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈❄︎ (memories)

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"come on,eat it"

Todoroki said as he pushed the fork of noodles to my mouth

I knocked the bowl out his hand,spilling the hot broth on his hand

"Ah!, Fuck!!!!"

He yelled as he grabbed his hand

My eyes widened and I got up to check his hand

He pushed me to the ground


"I-i'm sorry!"

I said,crying

"Why are you crying?!,I should be the one crying!"

His said as he pulled me up by the collar of my shirt

I put my hands in front of my face and closed my eyes,scared that he might hit me

But I felt nothing

I opened my eyes and move my hands from my face

He let go of my shirt as he hugged me crying

"I'm sorry baby!. It just triggered me and I got scared...and..and-"

"It's ok baby I understand"

I said as I kissed him

'I shouldn't hate him that much.although he did kidnap me.but still he needs someone to love him,and I'll be that someone'

"I won't hit you ever again!,I promise!"

I nodded
He has kept his promise,he's never hit me again.

He might've snapped and yell at me but he never put his hands on me again because he said,and I quote," I don't wanna be like my dad,treating my mom like how I just did to you,I don't wanna hit you,because that's not love."

"I love you sho"

I said kissing him

"I love you too"

He said leaving to UA

"He's lucky to have a quirk"

I pouted

"Two of them at that!. like hand me over one!"

I said laughing to myself and cleaning the house

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