⚠︎ 𝚁 𝙴 𝙽 𝙶 𝙾 𝙺 𝚄 𝙺 𝚈 𝙾 𝙹 𝚄 𝚁 𝙾 ⚠︎ (hot)

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After another long day your husband came back home all bloody and torn up

"Baby! Are you ok!"

I said running to him


I cut him off

"I told you to let me do this mission!"

I said while taking his clothes off and sitting him down

"Let me get the first-aid kit"

I said while going to our room

"She is so cute when she's serious"

Rengoku chuckled

I came back with the kit and started cleaning his wounds

"You need to be more careful!"

I said bandaging his stomach

"Your so hot when your worried about me"

Rengoku said and kissed my forehead

"Even when your in pain your still a flirt!"

I said giggling

"Now let's get you to bed"

I said standing up and started walking to the bedroom only to be lifted into the air

"Let me carry you,princess"

He said while winking at me

My cheeks flushed red and I kissed him.

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