killua zoldyck (yandere)

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"(Y/n) listen to me when I'm fucking talking to you!"

Killua said while throwing something past my head

I felt the sharp pain in my cheek

I touched my cheek and looked at my hand to see blood

I looked at the wall to see a knife sticking out

My gaze went back to killua looking terrified

"Killua I'm sorry! I promise I won't talk to him again! Just let him go!"

I said while wiping my tears

The guy tied up to the chair was struggling to get out the ropes

Killua noticed and went behind him

His sickening eyes looked at me as he grinned

I know that look

"Killua no...."

I said

He lifted his hand up

I rushed towards him and killua

I held killua's hand down while crying into his chest

"I'll do whatever you say please just don't kill him!"

I sobbed

"He's already seen me,hun. so I can't let him go alive"

And with that he chopped his head off cleanly

I cried and slumped to the ground

He picked me up wrapping an arm around my waist as I watched the cleaners, clean up the mess

"You still gonna do anything I say?"

He raised an eyebrow

"No you killed him!"

His face darkened as he squeezed me tighter

"This is your fault, should've stopped talking to him. This is why I don't let you out anymore-"

"He was asking how I was doing that's all!"

I said while pushing his tightening arms off me

"I didn't finish!"

He said while crushing me

"Ahh! Ok ok sorry!"

I gasped out

He loosened his grip

"I was gonna say that you know you belong to me,killua zoldyck and only killua zoldyck"

He finished

I started crying

"Stop crying love"

He said caressing my cheek

I slapped his hand

"Why don't you understand that I don't love you killua? I never will. You killed my parents,siblings,and even my now ex boyfriend"

He went silent for a while

His aura was raging with bloodlust

"You want to kill me too huh? Then do it! DO IT! KILL ME ALREADY!"

I yelled

He grabbed my face while his cold eyes looked into mine

"Don't you ever say that. I will go as far as killing my own family but never you"

He yanked me to our room

"I will make you love me. Even if I have to punish the hell out of you"

My eyes widened

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