༄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐎𝐊𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐘𝐔 ༄( break-up) last part

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I nodded my head yes

Akaza smirked as he began to remove my kimono

Douma was kissing on the right side on my neck while akaza was kissing my left shoulder

I muffled my moans so that no one else could hear me

Akaza pulled my kimono fully off while looking at my undergarments

If lust was a person,then douma was it

Douma began to slip my underwear off,while akaza slipped my bra off

My nipples hardened as soon as the cold air hit them

Douma spread my legs open

Akaza started sucking my nipples

I gasped as douma slid his tongue in me

I moaned when akaza started pinching my other nipple,and douma played with my bud

I probably moaned so loud that the others heard me

"Now now,Don't be to loud~"

Douma said

He continued to play in my...flower

His tongue paced in and out of me

A knot began to form and I moaned

"Akaza~ d-douma~!"

I released all over douma's tongue,and he ate it all up (yum yum 😋)

A shaky breath left my mouth

"Let's skip the foreplay,I've been wanting you so bad"

Akaza said

I was hovering over akaza as douma stood beside me,holding his cock to my mouth


Akaza and douma both looked at me

"I-Ive never done this before"

I said lowering my head

"It's ok dear~, we'll go slow"

Akaza's tip touched my open 😺,and I shuddered as I felt him

Douma and akaza both pushed into me and a shock of pleasure took over my body as they began to thrust slowly into me

I moaned on douma's cock,which seemed to arouse him and he sped up

"Is it ok if we go faster?~"

Douma asked

I nodded and as soon as I did,they went faster

Tears welled up in my eyes

Douma held my hair while pushing his cock down my throat


I moaned and released on akaza cock

"Already?~ we've only started"

Akaza teased and pulled out of me

My legs were shaking as he laid me on my back

Douma and akaza both stood over my opened legs

"Will you be able to fit us both?~"

Douma seductively asked

My eyes widened and I shot up

"A-are you talking about..down there?!"

I said looking down to my flower

"No silly!,your mouth"

Akaza said

A relief left my shoulders

"But we could try that too~"

Douma said

"It's not possible,douma"

Said akaza

"We could make it possible~"

My kitty started throbbing as I look at the two men over me

"Just shut up and fuck me already!"

Both their cocks lit up as they heard this


Akaza said

I pulled them both down to my level

"I want you both to fuck me like I'm your slut,fuck me till I can't walk anymore,hell even fuck me dry!"

They both smirked

"Your words~"

Douma said
Morning 🌄

I woke up alone in bed

I rubbed my eyes as I looked around the room for akaza and douma

"Master probably wanted them"

I sat up and a sharp aching pain shot up my back


I fell to the floor

"Damn that hurt"

I said as I lifted my self up using the bed

I began to walk when I crashed to the floor,again

I groaned in pain as I sat on the floor

My legs were weak

I sat on the ground for a minute before akaza and douma both walked in my room

"Morning,you ok?"

Douma asked smirking

"Does it look like in ok dumb fuck?!"

"Watch your mouth (y/n)"

Akaza said

"Sorry...now help me up"

Akaza and douma raised their eyebrows

I rolled my eyes


They smirked and helped me up

I fell onto akaza's, chest as I held onto his arms

I was about to fall back when douma stood behind,holding my waist

"I think we went a little too hard"

Douma said

"We love you (y/n)"

Douma said hugging me

"I love you guys too)

I said back.

(I really didn't know how to end this because I was in a rush to going back to one shots because I had so many ideas)

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