༄ 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐎𝐊𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐘𝐔༄(break-up)

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Your boyfriend,Tomioka,walked through the door

I jumped off the couch and ran to him,hugging him

"Hi babe!"

He pushed me slightly off him


I backed away from him

"What's wrong?"


Was all he said before he got in the shower

He's been doing this for a month now,he doesn't call me "babe","baby",or such,unless I call him out for it

Idk, he's been so cold to me lately

I shrugged it off as I laid in bed

Few minutes later giyu laid in the bed his back facing me

I sighed and turned my back towards him and went to sleep.

(Next day)

I woke up to Tomioka not in bed

"He must've had a mission today,well at least I don't have one,I can stay in all day!"

Or so you thought

Mr.Ubuyashiki called me in for a meeting,by myself

I sighed as I walked the dark paths to my destination

(Time skip)

The demon started charging at me in full speed,but I was faster and moved aside

"First form,torn rose!"

I sliced it's head off as it's head started to fall apart like a rose's petals

"My job here is done"

I said as I walked back to headquarters

When I arrived in the distance I seen giyu and shinobu talking when they spotted me shinobu ran off and Tomioka stood there

"Hi baby!"

I said as I hugged him.

"It's dark so let's go back h-"

He cut me off

"(Y/n),there's something I wanna tell you.."

I stopped hugging him and smiled

"What is it?"

"I don't wanna be with you anymore"

He said as he looked away

"Stop joking giyu"

I said laughing

"I'm serious"

I chuckled nervously

"You could stop the prank now"

"No,(y/n) I'm serious,I love shinobu"

He said looking behind me

I turned my head to see shinobu bow her head

I turned back to Tomioka as tears left my eyes

"Your serious?"

"I'm sorry-"

He cut off as I ran away crying


he shouted out

As other demon slayers came out to see what happened I was already gone

(Tomioka POV)

"What happened?"

Tanjiro asked me

"I broke up with (y/n),and she ran off crying....I-I tried to stop her but she kept running"

"We'll go look for her"

Tanjiro said as he dragged Zenitsu and inosuke with him

(End of Tomioka's POV)

I didn't stop running until I was far from headquarters

I cried as I slumped down onto a tree

I then heard rustling in the bushes and stood up

I went to the bushes to see what it was and something jumped out and I fell on my butt as a demon with bright pink hair and blue lines on his body stood over me

"What's wrong,pretty lady?"

I jumped up and grabbed my sword

"Don't worry I won't hurt you"

His voice was soothing

"What do you want?!"

"I wanted to see if you were ok,if that's alright"

I charged at the demon,then suddenly everything went black

"Douma,you weren't supposed to hit her head!"

"Well she was charging at you so I had to do something"

"I had it under control!,and why are you here?!"

Was all I heard until I was fully knocked out

(Part 2 will be up in a minute)

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