☕︎𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐀 𝐀𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀☕︎(thank you)

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You were sitting in your shared room as you had your plan to escape

The door opened and in came aizawa

You ran downstairs to your 'boyfriend'',greeting him

"Hi baby!"

You said smothering his face with kisses

It caught him off guard because you never acted like this before

"Are you ok?"

He asked



He said kissing me back

"Are you hungry?"

I asked as I took his hand and sat him at the table,placing a plate of food in his face

"Wow,thanks babe"

He chuckled

"You eat your food and I'm gonna go take a shower"

You said walking off


'shit shit shit shit shit. Did he catch onto my plan!?'


I turned to look at him as he walked towards me

"Did you eat?"

'oh thank goodness!'

"Oh!,yeah I did already"


He said as he placed a kiss on my lips

I walked upstairs and went to the room wiping the kiss off my lips


I turned on the shower and walked out the bathroom locking the door

"He's gonna think that I locked myself in the bathroom while I'm showering"

I headed to the window grabbing the key that I managed to slip out his pocket and opened the window

I jumped out and ran

I didn't know where I was going but I just ran

'Its been 40 minutes since I've been gone. He's surely looking for me now'

I thought as I slumped in an alley way to catch my breath

I heard a can roll over and jumped up scared that aizawa had found me

But it was just some man that had a smirk on his face

"What are you doing here alone cutie?"

"I-i just got lost I'll leave now"

I said as he stepped towards me grabbing my waist

"Would you like to have a little bit of fun before you go?"

He said as he started moving his hands around my body

I pushed him off me

"N-no!, Leave me a-alone!"

I yelled

He smirked as I bumped into someone behind me

I looked behind me to see another guy that was probably his friend

He grabbed me from behind as one of his hands reach for my boob,while the other reached down to my private area

I screamed and thrashed around in his grip,but the guy from earlier held my wrists and covered my mouth

I cried as he started removing my top

But then I seen a white bandage wrapped around his legs and he was thrown to a wall smashing his head

'that's aizawa's capture weapon!'

The other guy yelped as aizawa grabbed him and snapped his neck

I ran to him and cried in his chest

"Thank you,aizawa!. I'm sorry for leaving,I won't do it again!"

I said as I sobbed in his chest

"It's ok kitten. Now you know I'm just trying to keep you safe"

He said as he picked me up and walked home

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