↕𝖇𝖆𝖏𝖎 𝖐𝖊𝖎𝖘𝖚𝖐𝖊↕ (sorry)

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I was in the laundry mat,washing me and baji's clothes

After turning on the washing machine I left the room

I walked into the living room seeing baji putting on his shoes

"Are you leaving?"

I said in a whispering tone

"Yes Im going to....do something"

He said

"Might I ask where?"

I said lightly

"It's none of your business. I'm having company over so clean this house"

He said almost harshly

I nodded and he left

Few hours passed by and I was done cleaning the house

I heard giggling outside the door then baji came in with two girls on his sides

One of them had blonde hair and the other girl was a brunette

They looked at me

"Who is she?"

The brunette asked

"She's ugly"

The blonde snickered

"She's just a worthless maid"

"I don't know why I hired her to clean up. She doesn't even do her job right"

Baji added

Tears started to burn my eyes as I walked upstairs to one of the guests room. Since I knew he was gonna use our shared room

"I don't know why I'm still with him. He always calls me out my name,treat me like garbage,and bring other girls over"

I cried silently

I heard baji playing music in the other room

"I'm breaking up with him"

I said while packing my clothes up

(All your clothes were in the guest room since he basically kicked you out your 'shared room' )

I grabbed my phone and charger

I walked out the room and passed the room they were in

I heard light moans coming from the room

I scrunched my face in disgust as I passed the room

I called a cab as I waited outside for it

The cab finally arrived and I put my stuff in the car

An idea struck my mind

"Hold on I'll be right back"

I told the man

I went to the side of the house and cut the power out

I heard gasps come from the house as I got into the cab and drove off

(Baji's POV)

I was having my fun when all of a sudden the music stopped and the lights went out

The girls gasped

I groaned


I shouted but didn't get a reply back

I put my clothes on

"Wait in here"

I said as I closed the door and walked to the guests room


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