Itachi uchiha (yandere)

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"You went out to hang with rock after I told you not to?". "Baby you know he's just my friend". "But you know he fucking likes you! Right?!". He yelled. "What are you talking about?". I questioned. "That's your fucking problem! Your fucking dumb (y/n)! You don't pay attention to you surroundings or the people around you!". "Ok even if he likes me I don't like him. Who's the person I come back to every day and every night?".

"Don't get fucking smart with me! You keep playing with me (y/n) and I'll hurt your fucking feelings". "Stop yelling at me. And stop worrying about rock. I don't like him in that way. End of conversation". I said and walked away. He grabbed my arm and I looked at him. "Don't worry I won't have to be worrying about rock soon ". He said and let me go, I didn't think anything of it as I went to take a shower and go to bed.

I ended up falling asleep because of the long day. I woke up to Naruto in the living room talking itachi as he had tears in his eyes. "Naruto? What's wrong?". I asked. He looked at me with a weak smile. "Oh hi (y/n). Uhm I just found out rock was murdered late last night". He sniffled.

I stopped in my tracks, in front of itachi. My eyes went wide as I recalled what he said last night. "Don't worry I won't have to be worrying about rock soon". "Itachi you-". He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered into my ear. "If you say anything I'll slit your throat". He kissed my cheek and sat on the couch with me on his lap as my heart beat quickened.

I started crying and itachi rubbed my back. "It's ok baby. I know you'll miss him. We all will". Naruto waved at us before leaving. I immediately turned to itachi and yelled at him "you killed him?! You fucking monster! I hate you!". I said while standing up. He stood up towering over me as he grabbed the collar of my shirt and pinned me against the wall.

"I wouldn't have done it if you would've just stayed away from him! This is all your fault!". He yelled at me which made me cry more. "Yell at me again and I'll make sure you learn to never to raise your voice at me". he said and gave me a kiss on the lips before letting me go.

"And stop that crying". I wiped my tears while sniffling. "I fucking hate you". I mumbled. Itachi turned to look at me. "What? What was that? Speak up I couldn't hear you". He said walking back towards me. "I-I said I love you". He smirked. "Thought so. Now go lay down. It's Time for you to take a nap". He said and pushed me up the stairs.

I laid down in the bed and he laid behind me with his arms wrapped around me.

Uhmmmm I think someone requested this a long time ago but I can't remember.

I was kinda lazy on this and plus this has been a draft for like 2 months or so and yeahhhhhh.

Ion kno I think I wanna quit doing these????

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