𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘂 (scary movie)

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You woke up to gojo staring at you

"Good morning sleepy head. You're so cute in the morning"

He said kissing my cheek

"Only in the morning?"

I frowned

"Everyday all-day "

He said getting up and going to the bathroom

I groaned as I got up

I stretched and cracked my back

I went into the bathroom with gojo and brushed my teeth with him

After brushing our teeth's we went downstairs to make breakfast

We made: waffles or pancakes, bacon, sausages, boiled eggs or scrambled, with a cup of orange juice or apple juice

We ate our food and I washed the dishes

"Your so pretty (y/n)"

"Your so handsome,gojo"

"Of course I am"

I rolled my eyes

"If you be cocky today I won't give you any more compliments"

"Ok ok! I'm sorry"

Then the doorbell rang

I opened it and it was my sis with the kids


My son hugged me while my daughter hugged her dad

They then switched to hug the other parent

"Thanks sis"

"No problem. Love you guys"

"Love you too!"

I said before closing the door

"Did you guys eat?"

I asked

"Yes we ate!"

Our son said

They both yawned

"You guys are still tired?"

Gojo asked

"We were up all night. Playing and watching TV"

My daughter said

"I told (s/n) not to let you guys stay up so late!"

"We're sorry mama and dada"

"It's ok but don't do it again"

We picked them up and took them to their room

They fell asleep immediately

I sighed

"Their so cute"

"They get their beauty from you..."

I giggled

"And me of course"

"Still as cocky as ever"

I said rolling my eyes

We exited their room

"Let's watch a movie"

I said as I sat on gojo's lap,who was sitting on the couch

He groaned

"Baby be careful"

He said as he adjusted me

"Sorry baby"

He just sat there quietly

We decided to put on a scary movie

A jump scare came up and I jolted in gojo's lap and pushed down on him

He moaned


"Oh I'm sorry baby!"

I said

But the TV caught me of guard when someone screamed

I jumped back again

"Gah! (Y/n)!~"

He moaned as he pulled me tighter

"I'm so sorry gojo"

I said getting off his lap

He smirked before picking me up and taking me to the bedroom.

(Things got violent😉)

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