Tanjiro Kamado ( period 🩸)

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You woke up to Tanjiro not next to you. "He probably went to a meeting". You thought. You got up and felt intense cramps start to form All the while your back was hurting. "Shit". You said under your breath. You went to the bathroom to use the bathroom. When you went to wipe yourself, you seen blood. You groaned while getting a pad and putting it on.

After you finished using the bathroom, you went downstairs to make some cereal. You ate your cereal while scrolling on your phone. The cramps got worst and you started to crave sweets. You finished your cereal and slowly walked up the stairs painfully holding your stomach. You went to your shared room to take a warm shower and then laid down.

You heard the front door open then you heard tanjiro's voice. "Babe?!". He called out. You threw the blanket over your head and grumbled.

(Tanjiro's POV)

I finally made it home after the meeting ended which was very quick. I opened the front door and called for (Y/n). "Babe?!". I called and a faint smell of blood came across my nose. "Oh no. Is she on her period?". I walked up the stairs and opened the door slowly. The smell of blood got stronger as I walked over to (y/n) who was under the covers. "Babe? You ok?". I asked as I slowly removed the blanket from over her head. Her eyes were closed and her brows were furrowed as she held her stomach and was curled into a ball.

(Your POV)
Tanjiro slowly moved the blanket from over my head. My face was scrunched in pain as I held my stomach and was curled into a ball. He picked me up and sat down on the bed while holding me. " it's ok baby I got you". "Tanjiro?". I called lightly. " yes baby?". "Can you go to the store please and get me some snacks?". "Of course baby. I'll be back".

He said as he placed me back onto the bed, covering me with the covers and left. Few minutes went by and tanjiro came back with a huge bag of sweets. I got up and hugged him while grabbing a bag of candy from the bag and opened it. I sat back in the bed and ate the candy while he sat the rest of the candy bag next to me. He had another bag in his hand and I asked what it was. " I also bought you a heating pad".

"Aww thank you baby!". I said as I grabbed the heating pad from his hand and put it on, Instantly calming the cramps down. "Can we watch a movie?". I asked while shoving another gummy into my mouth. "sure". He said while finding a movie to watch. He wrapped his arms around my waist while massaging my stomach.

He gave me light kisses over my face and neck. "Thank you tanjiro. I love you". " your welcome. I love you too baby". I kissed his cheek and gave him a gummy. He smiled and ate it before we continued to watch the movie.

 He smiled and ate it before we continued to watch the movie

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(565 words)

Sorry I haven't been posting😓 it's just that I had to make up a lot of work from school before this semester was over but now it's spring break 🤗 so I'll probably be posting more if I have ideas

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