Kabuto yakushi (yandere)

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"I'm going out for a bit (y/n). I love you". Kabuto said as he kissed my forehead. I turned my head away and stayed quiet. "Look at me and say it back,(y/n)". I still stayed quiet and didn't look at him. He grabbed my chin softly and turned my face to look at his. "Say it back". He demanded as he looked into my eyes and laid me down onto my back on the bed.

I closed my eyes to not look at him. "Alright then. Fine". He said and I felt his hand leave my face. I kept my eyes closed the whole time, thinking he was gonna leave but I then felt his hand slide into my shorts and down to my vagina. "Say it back or I'll make you say it". I opened my eyes and stopped his hand. "O-ok I love you too...". He grinned and pulled his hand out my pants before getting off me. I watched him leave the room and heard the front door close.

I tried opening the room door but it was no use since it was chained up. I didn't give up and just kept kicking the door. I heard a little crack come from it and my eyes lit up. My legs were tired so I looked around the room for something to throw at it. I looked at the nightstand and picked it up.

I threw the table at the door and it managed to put chips into the wood to the point where I could see out the room. I threw the nightstand at it one more time and I broke a hole into the wooden door. I quickly put the table down and stepped out the hole in the door. As soon as I did an alarm went off and something latched onto my leg.

I panicked and frantically tried to get whatever was latched around my leg off. My heart was beating fast as I seen the front door open. I didn't know what to do but cry as kabuto grabbed me and dragged me into the room. He turned the alarms off and pushed me onto the floor. "K-kabuto I'm sorry! I-I-". I choked and cried over my tears.

"Shut the fuck up!". He said as he grabbed my shirt. "Why can't you just sit here and wait until I get back like a fucking good girlfriend?!". He yelled in my face and I closed my eyes. I then felt the most crucial pain in my thigh. I screamed as I looked down to see he stabbed a scalpel into my leg. He made it deeper and bigger by dragging it.

"KABUTO! STOP! IT HURTS!". I cried loudly and hardly as the pain was unbearable. "Stop making all that noise and I'll stop". I tried stopping the cries as best as I could but I was still sniffling while weeps were coming from me. He took it out and blood flowed from it like a waterfall. I was loosing too much blood. "Kabuto?". I said faintly and everything went dark.

( Kabuto POV )

I took the scalpel out her leg and her hands flew to the sides of the deep cut as she was weeping. A lot of blood was coming out from it. Too much actually. I got worried then I heard her voice. "Kabuto?". Her voice was soft and light as she passed out. "Shit!". I went to get an Aid kit and cleaned the wound before stitching it up and wrapping it.

I laid her down on the bed and put a blanket over her. I watched her the whole time to make sure she kept breathing. I'm still a little pissed that she broke the door down but I still love her and I don't want to lose her. I was caught in my thoughts until I heard her stop breathing. "(Y/n)?!". I shook her as worriedness flooded my face. I shook her a bit more and her breathing came back as her eyes opened.

( Your POV )

I was awakened to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and seen Kabuto looking at me. "Omg (y/n) I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you lose a lot of blood. I love you". He said as he hugged me. I tried moving my leg but when I did it hurt. My leg was sore and i couldn't move it. I moved the blankets from over my legs and seen it was patched up. I ran my hand over it and winced. "Did you stitch it up?". He nodded.

He crawled into the bed with me and hugged me. "Please forgive me". I sighed. I didn't want to forgive. "I'll think about it". He looked at me and smiled sadly. "I love you (y/n)". I smiled and nodded. He hugged my waist and laid his face on my chest. I decided to go back to sleep and he fell asleep under me.

There's nothing more.

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(Is this Kabuto? I don't watch Naruto so idk)

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(Is this Kabuto? I don't watch Naruto so idk)

Requested by: TheBloodAlchemist
( 864 words )

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