Draken/ken Ryuguji (yandere)

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Requested by: Youfailthevibecheck









You were driving to the store to go buy few groceries for your grandma that you stayed with. Once you walked into the shop a blonde man with a braid, and tattoo on the side of his head popped up and greeted you. "Oh hello". You greeted the man who had a wide smile plastered on his face. "Hello beautiful~ what can I assist you with?". He asked. "Well first can I fully walk into the store?". You asked while stepping around the man you've never seen before. "Why of course. My apologies, beautiful~". You smiled, trying not to be rude as you grabbed a shopping cart and began shopping.

While filling up your basket you saw the same blonde man from earlier everywhere you went. It was like he was following you. You decided to go to the next aisle and look at a cereal box when your attention was really on him as he followed you right into that aisle. You were about to say something when someone bumped into you and knocked the cereal box out your hand, spilling it. "Oh no! I'm so very sorry! Please forgive me miss!". The guy rambled on as he checked to see if I was hurt.

"O-oh I'm fine! Really!". I stated. The guy then started dusting my shirt off and his hands kept touching my boobs. "H-hey! I-". I got cut off as someone grabbed the guys hands off me. "She said she's fine.". I looked at the guy and it was in fact the blonde man who worked at the store. But his face expression was off. The man yelped in pain and I looked at his wrist to see why. The blonde man was gripping it tightly that I could see his veins popping out. "Leave the store and never come back". The man nodded and as soon as the blonde let go, he took off running out the store.

"Th-thank you...". I looked at his name tag. " Draken, sir". He then turned to look at me with that same smile like everything was fine. "Draken is fine. And are you alright?". "Oh! Yeah I'm alright. Thanks to you". He smiled again before walking off to get a broom. After getting the last thing I needed, I headed to the counter. The lady smiled at me as she rung my groceries up. "$37.68". She said. I pulled the money out my purse and gave it to her before leaving. You pushed the cart to your car before popping the trunk open and loading it. "Need any help?". You heard a familiar voice.

"Why are you here?". You scoffed and looked at your ex boyfriend. "Woah hey. Your acting like I can't go to stores now". "I'm not stupid ( Ebf/n ). I know your following me". "I just wanna talk to you that's all." I rolled my eyes before putting the last bag into the trunk and closed it. "I don't wanna talk to you. Bye bye now". I said, about to enter the car when he grabbed my arm and pushed me into the car and into the driver's seat. "What the-". I stopped talking as I felt something cold on the side of my head and my eyes widened. He grinned as he had me under control now.

"Now we're gonna be together, whether you like it or not". "( Ebf/n ) please-". "Shh~ shh~ hunny bun. Now give me a kiss to say sorry". He leaned in but I turned my head as tears started streaming down my face. He grabbed my forearm tightly as he repositioned the gun to my forehead. "Bad move". He said and my heart stopped as he was about to pull the trigger . . .


Brain matter and blood coated my face as his body fell to the floor with a [Thud]. I looked to see who pulled the trigger and it was draken. Blood coated his pale skin and clothes. He lowered the gun and looked at me with a blank expression. "You ok?". I couldn't talk as I was so shocked. He leaned into the car and close to my face. I felt as his hot, heavy breath hit my face. I stared into his eyes for a moment and he leaned in more and gave me a kiss. I didn't kiss back, but I pushed him away. "G-get away from m-me". Is what I said. He looked at me for a moment before he scrunched his face.

"I just saved your life and this is my thank you?". He got more angry as he grabbed my arm and put me into the passenger seat. He went to the driver's seat and started the car before locking the doors and pulled off. "Wh-what are you doing!?". I yelled at him. "Don't worry your pretty little face about that, (y/n). Just know your safe with me now". "I-i don't even know you!. And- and how do you know my name?!". "I don't know,". He turned to look at me. "How do I know your name?". He smirked before looking back onto the road. "L-look if this is some sick joke, you can stop now!". "This isn't a joke, (y/n). I love you"

"How can you love me if we've just met?!". " I know you enough to know that you had a twin brother who died a few years back. And you moved out here to stay with your grandma who is dying of old age.". My heart stopped when he mentioned my twin brother. Only few knew about him since he had a rare disease that caused him to stay in the house all day, everyday. And yes I did move out here to watched over my grandma who is dying of old age. "How do you... Know all of that?". "Well. I need to know everything about my future wife that I'm gonna have a family with".

My body calmed down for a moment as I looked into his eyes. His eyes weren't dangerous, but his expression was. "W-well where are you taking me?". "To our new house of course". "N-new house?". "Yes, silly. Your too beautiful to let go"

"Your mine, forever!"

Youfailthevibecheck sorry that this took FOREVER to come out. I just been sick and I couldn't think of nothing to write about draken, considering that I never watched Tokyo revengers. (Most these characters I write, I haven't watched the anime💀).And I also had to switch the story about a good 2 times. I can't help but still think this isn't good enough. Please forgive me. Hope you liked it

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(Sir what are you touching?!)

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