〽₸0Jł ₣U$ҤłGUƦ0〽(swallow)

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I was feeding our 4 year old son some ramen

He was acting bratty all day so it was hard to feed him

Toji was sitting on the couch watching TV

"Say ahhh"

I said holding the chopsticks to his mouth


He opened his mouth and I fed him the food

"Good bo-"

He spit his food out

"(S/n)! Your suppose to swallow it not spit it out!"

I said

I heard toji clear his throat

I looked towards him

He was smirking

"Don't get mad at him. You don't swallow sometimes"

He said chuckling

"Toji hush!"

I said and turned back to face our son

I sighed

"If you eat,Mommy will get you a toy from the store tomorrow. Ok?"

I said

He nodded and ate his food

After he ate, he was tired. So I took him to his room and laid him in bed

I kissed him goodnight and left the room

I sat on the couch with toji

"So...about that swallowing incident"

I looked at him

"Don't toji"

"I was just saying!"

He said wrapping his arm around me

He whispered

"I have something for you to swallow later"

He smirked,pulling away

I rolled my eyes

"Why not now"

I said kissing him

I unzipped his pants and pulled them down

I cupped his cock in my hand,playing with the clothed area

"Mmm~ baby~"

He groaned

"Shhhhh~ you don't wanna wake our son up"

I stopped kissing him

I made my way to the floor and in between his legs

I pulled his boxers down to reveal his twin towers

I began to glide my tongue up and down his cock

"Baby stop teasing~"

"Fine fine"

I said while shoving the whole thing down my throat

He groaned as he felt my tongue swirl around his tip

I started bobbing my head up and down

"Fu-fuck~ baby~"

He gripped my hair

I moaned on his cock

The vibrations from my moan seemed to arouse him more because I felt his cock twitching in my mouth

"Baby baby~! I'm gonna~ I'm gonna~"

He cummed in my mouth

He breathed heavily

"Now swallow it"

I looked at him and swallowed it

"Good girl"

He smirked

He picked me up and went to the bedroom

"Don't be loud ok?"

He said closing the door

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