☢︎︎ 𝘉 𝘈 𝘒 𝘜 𝘎 𝘖 𝘜 𝘒 𝘈 𝘛 𝘚 𝘜 𝘒 𝘐 ☢︎︎ ( female dog )

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"Fine! I don't give a fuck about what you do!"

"Fine then you bitch!"

'fuck!,shit shit shit shit shit!'

"I- I didn't mean to-"

He grabbed my face

"Did you just call me a bitch!?"

He said heating up his hand

"Ow! Your hurting me!"

He let go

"Get out of my face"

I ran upstairs to our shared room and closed the door

I was shaking scared because the last time I called him a bitch it was horrible

Soon the door opened to the room and I hid under the cover

The cover was snatched away and I was looking at a pissed off bakugou

He yanked me up

"Bakugou! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm really sorry!"

I said while crying

"Stop your shitty whining!"

He said as he threw me on the bed and got on top of me

"I'm sorry though!"

"I said shut the hell up!"

He yelled and I quickly stopped talking

"I don't want to hear a sound come from you,do you understand?"

I nodded and he lowered his head to my neck and bit it hard making it bleed


I tried to hold back my screams as tears ran down my face

He then licked the blood and continued to make bites on my neck

"Bakugou ple-"

He then bit as hard as he could and blood started running down my neck and I started crying

"Didn't I say not to make a sound!?"

"I- I'm s-s-sorry"

I said through tears

His face then softened a bit and he picked me up and went to the bathroom

"I'm sorry baby"

He said to me as he wiped and cleaned the blood off my neck


He sighed and picked me up and sat me on the bed

"Do you forgive me?"

He said rubbing my thigh

I still didn't reply,so he gripped my thigh harder

"I'm talking to you,(y/n)"

"Yes,I forgive you"

He kissed me but I didn't kiss back so he pushed his tongue into my mouth

"Mmph, bakugou"

I said and kissed him back.after a minute or two we both pulled away out of breath

"Could we order something to eat?"

I asked

"Why? If I could eat y-"

I slapped a hand over his mouth

"I'm serious"

"Fine baby"

He said a gave me a peck on the lips then left

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