Mikey-Manjiro sano

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I was peacefully sitting on the couch on my phone when I seen Mikey coming downstairs and towards the door. I pushed the lollipop that was in my mouth to the side so that I could speak. "Babe? Where are you going?". I asked as I stood up and walked towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up at him. "I have some business to do. I'll be back tonight or so". He smiled.

I frowned and his smiled went away. "Baby cmon. Don't be sad". "But you're always leaving". I whined. I could tell he was kinda pissed by the way his jaw clenched but he tried to sound as calm as possible. "How about I buy your favorite dessert while I'm out? Hm? Cmon I have to go". He said as he pulled me off him.

"But mikeyyyy". I said and held onto him tighter. "(Y/n)!". He yelled. I looked up at him and he was gritting his teeth together while a popped vein (💢 I forgot what it was called) was showing on his forehead. He pushed me off him roughly and I fell onto the ground. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes and his expression turned into worry and sorrow.

"I!- I didn't mean to!- are you ok?!". Just then draken came through the door. "Hey Mikey I've been out here for a minute what are you-". He stopped and looked at me. "What happened?!". I stood up and pushed Mikey and draken out the door. "Just go!". I yelled and slammed the door. He knocked a few times before going away.

I wiped my tears and sniffled. I finished crying and put some casual clothes on to go on a walk. While walking around I saw Mikey and draken with a little blonde head boy. I hid around a corner and waited for them to leave. Once they went a direction, I went the other way. While walking with my head down I ran into someone with black and yellow hair.

I looked at his face wondering where I've seen it from. "Hey! Watch it bitch!". My eyes widen once I heard his voice. I looked into his yellow-y eyes. "Eh? Aren't you Mikey's girlfriend?". He smirked. "Wh-who's that?". I stuttered while walking backwards. He took a step closer and I booked it. (My black ass was gone 🏃🏽‍♀️). Anyways. I booked it but he grabbed me by my hair. I screamed and started pushing and kicking him. He placed a hand over my mouth and a black van drove up next to us.

Two men opened the back of the trunk and Hanma tried pushing me into it. I placed my feet on the back of the trunk and pushed back into him but he was stronger and pushed me into the back of the van. I landed on my stomach and groaned in pain. One of the men restrained me while the other one put tape around my mouth.

I tried kicking and screaming but it was no use. I managed to crawl into one of the corners inside the van. I rested my head on the van and closed my eyes. Eventually I fell asleep.

I felt someone throw me over their shoulder but I couldn't see as I was blind folded. I started moving around in the persons arms. "Stop moving before I drop you!. Or I'll just kill you now and leave you at the steps of yours and Mikey's house". I heard Hanma chuckle.

He then threw me down onto a chair and tied ropes around me. He finally took the blindfold off and I looked around. It was a house? Was it his? "Where am I?!". I tried to say but only muffled sounds came out.

Hanma examined me up and down before he left his eyes on mine with a blank/cold expression. I felt his hand rub under where I cried earlier. "Why were you crying?". He asked. "Like you care". I rolled my eyes. "No. I'm being serious". I looked at how serious he could be and he was in fact serious. "I-I don't want to talk about it". "Alright. It's fine". He said as he left out the room.

I sighed to myself because it's been atleast 30 minutes since I've been captured and I was already bored. Come to think of it, Mikey hasn't even checked to see where I'm at! He doesn't even love- Bzzt-Bzzt. My phone rang. I looked around the room to find it and it was on a dresser that was too far for me to reach.

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