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The next morning I woke up with something heavy on my chest,
the sun was shining through my curtains as I forced my eyes awake.

I tried to get up when I realised that Theo was sleeping peacefully on my chest looking so adorable I had to keep myself from squeezing his lightly tinted cheeks.

I smiled to myself as I played with his hair that wildly fell all over the place and took in his position

his head on my chest, curled like Fetus as he hugged me in his sleep.

Last night was absolutely amazing, even though our little session didn't last long and Theodore practically knocked out right after, it still was amazing,
I glanced at the watch on my wall only to realise that we had maximum 30 minutes to arrive at school on time.

"Theo" I said calmly trying to wake him up,
"Theo, we have to get up or we'll be late"
He stirred around and groaned softly "No" he said as he nuzzled his face deeper into my chest hugging me tighter.

"Theoo" I chuckled softly
"Noo, it's so soft" he hummed not moving an inch, "Are you talking about my boobs or my bed?" I laughed
That seemed to wake him up as he slowly got up
"O-oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sleep on you" he said as his ears turned a light shade of pink,

I laughed softly "don't worry, I actually slept very- Theo!" I almost yelled as I saw him fall back asleep, he groans straightening his posture "I'm up I'm up" he said groggily.

I totally forgot that Theo is a heavy sleeper? Is that what you call them? I don't know but I do remember the countless times I saw him napping at school, even when we were younger I would catch him sleeping in class. He's the type of person who just has to close their eyes and boom they're asleep, I wish I could do that.

"C'mon" I said hopping of my bed "let's get ready for school"
He didn't say anything so I turned back around only to find him staring at the floor his eyelids slowly closing, he reminds me so much of a little child I'm starting to feel sorry for waking him up.

After brushing out teeth and getting dressed quite hurriedly because time wasn't on our side we rushed downstairs, my parents had already left and left me a note on the fridge I briefly glanced at.

"You want to eat something?" I asked reading the note
"Unless you don't mind being a little late actually yes"

I will always envy Theo for his fast metabolism, he could eat so much and not gain any weight, and is sculpted like god took his personal time creating him.

I smiled at the note saying that my mom left us scrambled eggs and pancakes on the kitchen Island, "my mom made us eggs" i went to grab the plates on the island and handed Theo one.

"The eggs are already cold but If you want I can heat them up for you"
he smiled at me "no no I don't mind, really" he said grabbing the plate and placing it in front of him on the table.

We quickly finished our breakfast and made our way to school. Lucky for us we arrived exactly on time.

Hand in hand we walked inside the school, we don't have any classes together so we had to part our way again.
"See you at lunch" I said giving him a quick peck on the lips catching him off guard.

"See you at lunch" I said clearing my throat,
I walked towards my locker only to see Ezra already waiting for me
"Theo! Where have you been loca" he said loudly, I raised my eyebrow at his weird approach
"Good morning you too" I said opening my locker to get a few books out
"Good Morning you too" he repeated in a monotone voice "I'm waiting here all morning for and that's all I get? Damn bro you really out here hurting my feeling not gonna lie" Ezra said crossing his arms as he shakes his head disappointedly,

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