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The week went by in a flash and I was happier than ever. I still couldn't get over the fact that I finally met my mother!

Last night we visited Mrs Jovita and just like I guessed they got along like they've known each other for years, Will on the other hand was quite shy when it came to my mother.

He said that she looks like a femal version of me and that it's weird, I just laughed when he seemed seriously confused.

He also couldn't grasp the concept of what's going on since Will grew up believing Zoe is also my mom ew ,so when I tried to explain him as carefully as I could that we do not share the same moms, he asked me if that means that I will go back to Paris with her.

"Damn that sounds straight off a movie" Ezra joked as I told him about everything that happened

"Kinda yeah"

I started to spend most of my Friday nights at Ezras playing on the PlayStation until our eyes start to bleed

"I'm happy for you man" he said
"I mean life really beat the shit out of you like literally-" he stopped mid sentence when he noticed the look I gave him

"What I'm trying to say is, that I'm genuinely happy for you"

"Ewww Ezra, open your Windows it smells like sweat in here" Ezras younger sister said as she opened the door to his bedroom,

She isn't a 100% wrong, Ezra and I played some basketball outside and neither of us took a shower.

"Sorry sis, I'll tell Theo to take a shower"
I threw a empty bottle of water at him
"Shut your sweating ass up"

"Whatever, there are leftovers in the kitchen if you guys want to eat" and with that she went back downstairs

"Close the door!" Ezra shouted but Meghan didn't bother to listen to him.
At that moment I realised how happy I am that Will wasn't at that age yet.

Ezra got up and threw a fresh towel at me
"You go first"

Freshly showered dressed in Ezras clothes we went into the kitchen heating up the leftovers.

"How come you don't have a girlfriend?" I asked out of curiosity to which Ezra started laughing

"I don't know to be honest" he sighed
"There was this girl once, she was my girlfriend ans I would've done everything for her. But long story short she cheated on me and I dunno, now I just do casual stuff" he explained

"Casual stuff?"
"Yeah no strings attached y'know?"
I don't know but

"So you don't think you'll ever be romantically involved with anyone?" I add
"Where's that coming from?" Ezra asked laughing
"You should know that between the two of us I am the therapist" he said chuckling

"Alright if you don't want to talk about I respect that"

We quickly finished eating and moved to the living room watching a random tv show that was playing.

"Ayo Theo check that out" Ezra said almost throwing his phone on my face
"And what's that supposed be?" I asked dull
"That is Briannas Instagram story?"
"She as at a party? She tagged her friends in it? Aka Imani your uh girlfriend?" He stated getting annoyed

"Really? Let me see" I said reaching for the phone again but he snatched away

"Why look at a picture when you can see her in real life" he said dumbfounded

"Just let me see! I'm not in the mood to go out"
"I'm sure this will get you in the mood"

He handed me back his phone showing me Briannas Instagram story, it was a typical random house party. And she indeed tagged Imani on that post, I skipped a few of her stories until I landed on a selfie of her and Imani.

"Now imagine all the guys out there with her thinking they can have a piece of that cake? Don't you feel the need to go out there and protect her from all the weirdos and creeps?!"

"We should go"
Ezra clapped his hands "let's go!"
"But uhh obviously we can't show up in pyjamas"

"It's time for a makeover!" Meghan who appeared out of nowhere suddenly said,

"Go to bed Meghan" Ezra said brushing her off
"Don't tell me what to do, with your goofy looking face!" She spat and stormed back into her bedroom.

Back in Ezras bedroom he threw some of his clothes at me
"I know you go more for the boring type so that should fit you"
I scoffed "what's that supposed mean"
"Whatever just put that on"

We used my car to drive since Ezra said something off being a passenger Princess or whatever. I don't know whose house that was but I know that I do feel sorry for the person going to clean it,

I parked my car in free spot and walked with Ezra inside.
The moment we stepped inside I immediately wanted to leave again, we started to get lots of stares mostly from girls.

"You want something to drink?" Ezra asked me
"Just water" I said "I'm gonna look for Imani" I added.

It didn't took me long to spot her dancing in the living room, her eyes landed on me and she smiled brightly at me.

"Theo!" She yelled rushing towards me
"I thought you didn't to come"
She invited me?
"Oh well uhhh I changed my mind"
"You even did your hair" she said chuckling
"Yeah Ezra did it for me"

He used a little bit a hair gel to comb my hair back, kind of like Johnny Depp in the 90s he said.

"You look so handsome" she said giggling loudly
"Imani are you drunk?" I asked
"Only a little tiny weeny bit" she said pinching her fingers together,
"Ugh I'm tired" she groaned hooking her arms around my neck,

"She had quite a lot" May? one of her friends said "are you staying? Or could maybe drop her off at home?" May asked nicely

"Sure, I'll bring her home"
"Okay just use her phone to text us when you drop her off"
"Yep" I said holding Imani's body as she kept swaying back and forth almost falling on her head.

"Yo Theo there was no water but I found an unopened bottle of apple juice?" Ezra offered but I kindly declined his offer
"Thanks but uhh are you staying?"
"Nah if you leave, I leave"

At the end I had to carry Imani to my car and carefully placed her in the backseat
"You're so hawt like dayumn" she said groggily
"Thank you" I chuckled at her drunken state
"No but like seriously, you could hit me with your car and I would thank you"
"Uhh thanks?"

I went to the drivers seat and started the car.

"I won't mind if you want to spent the night with your girl" Ezra started
I looked at Imani through the rear view mirror
"No I don't want to bother her, she needs to rest"
Ezra shrugged "if you want to spent more time with me just say it"
"Shut up" I said laughing lightly

A/N: roarrr btw I think it's not hard to guess which outfit is belongs to who.
Hehe 😜

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