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"I still can't believe how fast the time passes" my mom stated as I unloaded my trunk, carefully placing my moms luggage on the floor.

"I really don't want to leave" she sighed grabbing her bag
"I know mom, I'm gonna miss you" I said smiling weakly
"I will miss you too" Will said hugging my mom tightly to which she slightly bend down to hug him tighter
"Awww I will miss you so much" she responded ruffling his fluffy blond hair

"We will definitely come visit you, mom" I said as I locked my car with my keys.

She reached for wills hand and took one of her two luggage's as I took the other,

"You could come over for Christmas or new year?" She offered
"Yeah we could" I responded thinking about it
"I could get you and Will first class tickets, it's a long flight so I would like you to be comfortable"
"First class?" I repeated now believing my ears

I've never been outside the states let alone been on a plane, I never had the privilege to go on trips literally anywhere so getting an offer like that really made me feel some type of way.

"Yes first class," my said as if that was the most normal thing in the world "I always travel first or business at least"
"W-wow" was all I could say
"You know I grew up poor, so I worked as hard as I could to become the person I am today. I'm grateful for it and thank god everyday"

"It has always been my dream to share my success with my loved ones, and now I finally can" she said looking me in the eyes.

"looks like I will have to go trough this gate by myself" she stated as we reached her gate

"Noooo, already?" Will whined
"We won't part for long mon bébé" she said giving will a kiss on his cheek

"Take good care d'accord?" She said brushing my cheek softly
"Mhm" I said leaning into her touch,

She hugged me tight before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you... has he?"
I was puzzled at first by my moms question but I quickly understood who she was referring to

"He didn't respond" I said not surprised
"Oh okay"

"Dad?" Will asked from behind us causing me and my mom to swiftly turn around.

And there he was indeed, quite out of breath but he looked... better? He lost a good amount of weight his skin cleared up and he got his rosy and healthier looking skin back.
His dark curls were trimmed but quite out of place - he must've run here and he got rid of his unkept beard.

"Charles?" She breathed out
"Rosa" he greeted awkwardly before greeting me and Will
"Sorry I'm late" he excused himself
"You look different!" Will said stating the obvious

"For the better I hope" he said jokingly,
I watched their conversation closely - the way my dad was quite awkward and my mom shocked and speechless

"I wish I could've visit you sooner b-but I... I wanted to be ready"
"No no I understand L, Charles"
"Before you leave I-I would like to have this" he said handing her a letter
"Thank you" she said surprised
"Hopefully we could meet again some day" my father said ina hopeful tone.

She quickly hugged Will and me goodbye again and rushed trough the gates.
There she goes.

"Sooo how have you been" my father asked simply,
it took me a second to realise that he was talking to me

"Oh uh good... good"
"Still bringing home dem good grades?"

It was quiet for a few seconds until will started whining about being hungry,
"You wanna grab something to eat on the way home?" I asked Will to which he nodded his head

"Would you like to join us orrr?" I offered the man beside me
"Oh uhm... no thanks I already had dinner" he exposed sheepishly
"We could drop you off?" I offered again
"I really appreciate that offer but I'm still under supervision so my driver is waiting outside"

"But I wouldn't mind meeting another day?" He added quickly
"Alright I guess... until next time?"
"Mhm" I said reaching for Wills hand


I called in sick at work to spend the rest of the day with Will at the local diner. I allowed him to order whatever he wanted and he truly wasn't playing around - he had quite the appetite for a 10 year old.

We decided to watch a movie the moment we return home and choose to watch cars 1 and 2. The second movie only partially because Will fell asleep not even 30 minutes into the movie.

I carefully carried his small body upstairs and placed him into his unmade bed, I removed his pair of jeans from his body knowing how uncomfortable it is to sleep with jeans on.

I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready for bed.

It was around 9pm when I received a bunch of pictures from Imani in various of clothes she bought today, I was chugging a bottle of water while I briefly went through the pictures she send me. They were all pretty until I chocked on the water I was drinking because of a certain picture she sent me.

I couldn't help it but cough wildly as I stared at Imani in red lingerie, I wiped my eyes to make sure I wasn't imagining this and I wasn't.

Calming down I was thinking of something to respond but what are you even supposed to say when you receive pictures like that?!

I decided to not respond at all and quickly go to bed, since I've made love to Imani it's as if everything she does turn me on and this wasn't really helping my situation.

I tried to fall asleep but I kept tossing and turning around in my bed not being able to fall asleep. And I knew exactly why,

I look down seeing the outline of my manhood noticeably straining against my grey joggers,
I feel my face flush hot.

One look is not going to be the end of the world, right?

I reach for my phone on my nightstand and open Imanis and my chat, I scroll down to the picture she send me and take a good look at it.

My eyes flutter close as I palm myself through my joggers, I slowly move my hands up and down my shaft wishing she would be here with me right now.

Not satisfied with the low amount of friction I got from my joggers I hurriedly tug down my pants and boxers,
my dick springs free right into my hand.
I can't sustain the quiet moan that left my lips as I drag my palm along my length, taking in the bead of pre-cum dripping along my shaft, easing the glide of my hand when suddenly my door bursts open and I hurriedly pull my cover up my torso.

"Will!" I almost yell
"Theo! There's something under my bed!" He says frightened,
"Will" I whine running my ehem clean hand down my face "do you know what time it is?" I asked clearly annoyed by him bursting inside my room like that.

"Can I sleep here?" He asked showing me his puppy eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose
"Give me a minute okay? And I will go check"

After putting my boxers and joggers back on I washed my hands and went inside Wills bedroom.
I turned the light on and went on my knees to look underneath his bed, after looking for a while I found his poster that normally hung on his wall under his bed.

"It was just your poster that fell down, Will" I stated tiredly
"Look" I said showing him his poster that had the main cast of Star Wars on it.

"O-okay" he said almost whispering,
he went back on his bed and got comfortable as I tucked him to bed

"But why can't I sleep with you" he asked a hint of pain in his tone
"Because you're a big boy no?" I asked smiling lazily at him
"Well then I don't want to be a big boy if that means I can't sleep in your bed" he stated causing me to laugh

"Goodnight Will" I said making sure to leave the lamp beside his bed on.

A: 💦

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