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The next morning I woke up feeling quite refreshed, Imani texted me thanking me for bringing her home and excusing herself for her behaviour,

I told her it's no biggie
and drunk Imani is actually Kind of  cute.

After leaving Ezras place I went back home to pick Will up so we could have breakfast with my mom, it still feels surreal.

"Tommy is annoying" Will started as he sat in the back with a few toys in his hand
"And why's that?" I asked curiously
"He- He always lies and he told me I'm annoying"
I had to stifle my laugh as Will explained his situation to me,
he normally emphasis on normally gets along with everyone. And if Will doesn't like you, for me it's  something like a warning like, he has something like 6th sense when it comes to knowing peoples true intentions.

"Yeah I agree, Tommy is annoying. But don't let that bother you 'kay?"
"Ugh whatever I don't have time for this nonsense"

I had to double check through the rear view mirror if that was actually Will talking.

"Theo! Theoo! Look! Your mom!"

My mom was indeed waiting already outside as I parked my car for her to hop in.

She greeted us happily
"Bunjua!" Will greeted as he tried to speak French himself

"It's so nice to finally get to know you better Will" my mom said turning her body towards Will as she got into the seat,
he smiled brightly at her.

It felt very relieving to know that Will does indeed like my mom, I was afraid the situation would stress him too much causing him to dislike her but luckily he adapted very well.

"So where are we going to eat?" My mom asked eagerly
"WAFFLESSS!" Will yelled excitedly causing both my mom and me to laugh

"Waffles it is then" I said as I started the engine of the car.


Arriving at Wills favourite diner, we went inside getting seats in a comfy corner with view to the slightly busy streets.

"You can take whatever you want" I told Will even tough I already know what his choice was going to be,
"Same goes for you mom" I said calmly, feeling the tip of my ears get warm because I still wasn't used to use the word mom.

"Wow I don't even know what to get" she laughed sheepishly
"What are you getting?" She asked me still looking through the menu.

I had to think for a second,
"Uhh pancakes and eggs"
"Well then I'll have the same" she said smiling brightly at me as she closed the menu shut.

Our food quickly arrived and I was ready to dig in
"Bon appétit" my mom said cutely before she started eating
"Bun appetite" Will tried again.

I smiled to myself as I started eating, I wish everyday could be like this. Calm, relaxing and just refreshing.

"So Théo, it's your last year of high school non?"
"Yes" I quickly gulped down the eggs "it is"
"Do you already know what you want to do after high school?"

I normally tend to ignore questions like that because people always try to act like they know what's best for me, when obviously that isn't the case.

"Uhm i don't really know, I know I should decide soon but I have absolutely no idea"

"Well Theo... I'm very concerned about your well being here. You go to school, you have to take care of Will, you work to pay bills no child should concern off" My mom started

"Don't you think you're overworking yourself?" She asked concerned,
I let out a huff before answering her question

"Well I mean... I have no other choice. Dad can't work right now and Zoe... she never brought anything to the table"
"You shouldn't have to worry about things like that"
"I know mom, I know" I said as rubbed my eyes

"That's why I'm offering you to come with me, after you finish high school of course. You know how to speak French and you can work there or go to college there"
"And Will could come too, there a many international schools in Paris"

I would've said yes in a heartbeat but I can't just leave all this here behind, I have never been out of state nor on a different continent. And Mrs Jovita, Ezra, Imani I can't just leave them behind.

"Yayyy Paris!!" Will hollered breaking me out of my thoughts

"I know that's a lot so just give it some time to think about it" My mom said caressing my hand softly
"I'll think about it" I smiled at her


I dropped my mom off at her apartment since she not only came to the states for me but also for her business. She told me she owns a bakery so out of curiosity I did some little research and found out it's not just any bakery business but one of the most profitable bakery's in France.

"I'm so sorry we can't spend the whole day together"
"It's okay mom, really"

She smiled sadly as she caressed my cheek
"Well you can come over for dinner tomorrow, after school of course and you can bring your friends"
"Can I come too?" Will asked my mom with puppy eyes
"Aww désolé mon petit bébé of course you can come" she said hugging Will tightly

Obviously those puppy dog eyes is just Wills way of getting what he wants, I had to stifle my laugh because my mom fell for it.

"C'mon Will, let's go"


Zoe was waiting in the living room as we stepped inside.
"Did you guys have fun today?" She got up asking carefully
"Yes! Theo's mom is soooo nice!" Will said jumping up and down
"O-Oh that's nice"

I rolled my eyes at Zoe feigning some sort of interest, she feels threatened by my mother and it shows.

"Are you guys hungry? Maybe I can cook something?" She asked weakly

"No thanks" I said as I walked past her
"No I'm not hungry" Will said who got comfortable on the couch reading his favourite comic "Iron Man"


Back in my room I stripped from my jeans and changed into a comfy pair of sweatpants.

I was about to plop down onto my bed until I noticed my unfinished homework on my desk,
I groaned and sat down to start my homework.

Not even 5 minutes in my phone started vibrating. At first I thought it's Ezra wanting to hang out again but instead it was an incoming video call from Imani.

A/N: 🥸

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