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"I bet all of them are right next doors trying to find out what's going on inside here" I said leaning on the shelf with different packs of Cheetos on here, Theo decided to rest against the wall.

"Hey, are you okay?" Theo asked me
"Yeah, why are you asking?"
"Well uhh Mei kind of told us you got into an argument with Peter"
"It's nothing. Really"
"You sure? If you need someone to listen I'm here"
"Thank you I appreciate it"
"Or if you need anything I'm-"
"Give me your hand"
Without further questions he hold his left hand towards me,
but instead of holding his hand I reached for his torso and hugged him,

"I hope I don't make you uncomfortable" I asked l, my voice sounding slightly muffled
"N-no not at all"

With Theo being so shy and timid I never thought that he would ever hug me back - not that I have a problem with that
but this time he actually did.
"If it cheers you up a little, yellow looks really good on you"
I chuckled a little
"Thank you"
"So Are we just going to wait hugging each other until the seven minutes are over?"
"Are we?" I shot back
"We could" he said looking down at me,
I moved my hands from his torso to his neck to get a better view at him.
"We have about... five minutes left" Theo said glancing at the watch on his wrist
"Good to know"
"You know, if Peter harms you in any type of way, you can tell me"
"I'm serious Imani"
"So am I... hold on"
I sniffed a little around
"What are you doing?" Theo asked laughing softly
"Did you drink anything?" I asked surprised. Theo never drinks alcohol or at least used not to.
"Uh a little, Ashley wanted me to loosen up" he said shyly
"I thought you don't drink alcohol"
"I don't" he said avoiding my gaze and holding me a little tighter.

I placed my hands on his cheek turning his face towards me
"Some people don't deserve you" I said looking into his blue greenish eyes.
He licked his lips forcing to advert my gaze towards them and then back at his eyes,
I went on my tip toes just to be a little closer to him.
"What do you want Theo?" I asked below a whisper
"Something I can't have" he said closing his eyes.
I gave him a kiss on the cheeks before completely letting go, his eyes fluttered open and he was starting to blush cutely
"We both know we can't do this" not yet at least
"I know" Theo said.

"Seven minutes are up" Selena said bursting through the door revealing a nosy crowd.
"See nothing happened" I said before I walked past Selena.

As I pushed myself through the crowd I found Ashley, Brianna, Mei and Peter waiting there.
Ashley had dried tears on her face and red eyes.
She angrily stomped towards me
"How could you do this to me"
"Ashley, everybody's drunk and it's just a stupid game. We were just talking" I tried to assure her
"Mhm yeah. You really want me to believe that?!"
"Ash-" she made it clear that she did not want to talk to me, by turning around and walking away.

"It's probably just the alcohol" Mei said

After a few more rounds of truth or dare we decided that it was time to leave
"You sure you don't want to stay overnight?" Peter asked
"Sorry, I promised my mom to be home tonight" I lied
"Text me when you get home" he said leaning downs to give me a kiss on the lips
"Yep I will"

I quickly got into my car and just wanted to get into my comfortable bed and sleep. I was already on my way home when I noticed I forgot my purse at Peters. I had turn around and drive back to his place.

"Hello?" I called as I entered inside Peters house.
'Where did I left my purse?' I asked myself.
I walked from the entry to the staircase that lead to the cinema
"Peter?" I called again
"Woahh! What uhm what are you doing here babe" Peter asked appearing outta nowhere
"I forgo- where are your clothes?" I asked noticing that he was dressed in nothing but his boxers
"Nowhere, it's much more comfortable wearing no clothes"
"Okay? Anyways I forgot my purse here"
I quickly searched for it
"Found it" I said walking back to Peter
"K, see you tomorrow?" He asked
"Maybe, I will text you"

Walking back to my car again I also spotted a rather familiar car parking in front of the house. Taking a closer look at it - and I was right. That's Selena's car, but why is it still here?

A/N: it's been a while but only because school is keeping me busy and there are many tests and presentations in the coming weeks meaning I won't be able to update for a while. But!
It shouldn't be longer than 3-4 weeks max cause we all hate it when the writer just disappears and won't update.
If I'm able to I will hopefully update over the weekend but it depends cuz schools a bitch ugh.
Btw wish me luck for my chemistry test this Monday💀

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