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"Happy birthday to you~" We all sang in union. Applauding and cheering Will on, he blows out the nine candles on his Spider-Man themed cake.

I used Wills camera to film the moment on Theo's behalf, a circle of children stood around Will eagerly waiting to get a peace of that really delicious looking cake.

Will was dressed up as Spider-Man meanwhile his friends where dressed as other marvel characters, monsters, zombies and I even saw a frozen costume somewhere.

Theo and I decided to try matching costumes, so he went as Anikan from Star Wars and I went as Ashoka. I know they're actually not dating but Ashokas costume looked better on me than Padmes.

Even though I told Ashley and Georgia about this being a children's birthday they went with the slutty version of their costumes.

I watched happily as Theo was helping Will to cut the cake, it warmed my heart seeing Theo care for his brother.
I stopped filing and switched to taking pictures instead, which was a good idea because I was able to take a picture of Theo smearing a drop icing on Wills nose.

Will got first slice of cake and immediately started digging in. I helped Theo by handing out the cake to the guests.

"If it's not enough I brought some homemade brownies" Mrs Jovita said as I handed her a piece of cake

"Oh thanks I will keep that in mind" I said smiling at her,

"Hey" Georgia said ushering me towards her. I handed a random child a piece of cake and went over to her,

"I hope you don't mind but I invited some of the school over" Georgia said and I look at her in surprise

"What do you mean?! Georgia this is a 9 year olds birthday party not some random house party!" I hissed

"Oh calm down, I'm sure Theo has no problem with that" she said rolling her eyes.

I looked over at Theo to see him handing out the remaining pieces of cakes before he sat down next to Will and Ezra and started eating,

"Georgia uninvite them, now!" I say harshly

"Well that's a little bit too late - they're already here" she said sheepishly and I suppressed the urge to smack her face.

The doorbell ringed and Mei was about to open it when I stopped her "don't!" I call out and Mei stops in her tracks

"Why?" Theo asks walking towards the door

"GeorgiainvitedIdon'tknowwhooverandit'sthem!" I rush out

"What? Seriously?" Theo asks looking confused and I nod my head

"You might as well excuse yourself Georgia" I said nudging her

"Whoopsie my bad" she said grinning

"I'll just talk to them" Theo said when the doorbell went off again and again.

I walked over to him just when he opened the door and we were mit with a little crowd, some in costumes and some in normal clothes.

"I heard it's a costume party" Peter said who came as a pirate, pff how basic.

I look over to Georgia "out of all people?" I mouth at her and she made signs saying she didn't know.

"Yeah it is but none of you are invited" Theo said coldly

"But we received an invitation, right guys?" Peter asks into crowd and they all nod agreeing with him

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