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I have never been so fucking hard in my whole life.

I felt a bunch of different emotions rush trough my body - kissing Imani feels like a dream come true, a dream you already abandoned times ago.

As our lips to, my dismay parted again, I stared at her with wide eyes

"Wow" was all I could muster
"Yeah" she said chuckling, our foreheads touching
"I like you Theo, I like you a lot actually"
Giggling she hold my cheeks in her hands "Yes I just told you"
"Oh my god" I breathed out running a hand through my hair
"Oh my fucking god"
"What is it?"
"God, I've been crushing on you since like 8th grade or something" I said looking down at her thighs placed on my lap
"No way! You've got to be kidding me" she said laughing,
"I'm not" I said moving my hands for her waist to her thighs
"How come you never told me"
"Ehh can we talk about this later? I would much rather kiss you again than talk" I said with a sheepish smile
"And what if I say no?" She asked challengingly
"Oh well... that would be really unfortunate but I'm still going to get my kiss"
"Says who"
"I do" and with that I adjusted her on my lap that way she was sitting right on me
"Well somebody's excited" she stated playfully
"Sorry - can't help it"

I really couldn't, the doctors said the reason why I'm not able to get an erection is caused because of my high amount of stress each day and probably some past caused trauma I'm not 'healed' from yet but I declined their offer about seeing a therapist I didn't had the time nor the money for it.

"Just Kiss me already Theo"

Without any further warning or any more words spoken, her soft lips pressed up against mine, sending surges of electricity down my spine. The feeling was intoxicating and I wanted nothing more than to get drunk on Imani and her touch.
Her hands rested around my neck as our lips moved in sync, every so often Imani would open her mouth lightly and swipe her tongue over my lower lip.

I'm so fucking nervous I don't really know what to do or where to put your hands so I just rested them around her waist.

She began to bite down on my lower lip lightly with her teeth.
She tugged on it as her fingers raked through my thick locks. The sweet sensation of her movements almost made me want to go further... than kissing, maybe lock dem doors and do a quickie on the medicine beds but I want my first time with Imani be something special and the amount of time we had left till lunch is over isn't really much,

"I really like kissing you" I said breaking the kiss and catching my breath
"I really like kissing you too but lunch break is almost over"

I couldn't help it but just stare at her beautiful face, the way her eyes are sparkling and that smile - god I'm dying

"What?" she asked with an raised brow

"Alright uhh" she said getting up from my lap,
I also got up and stretched a little
"Soo... I guess I will see you tomorrow?" She asked
"Okay" I repeated
"I'm going now" she said pointing towards the closed door
"Mhm" I said placing my hands inside my pockets
"Bye" she said smiling before going out.

I waited a few seconds before also leaving to not make it seem like me and Imani where in here together.

The hallways were crowded like always, a bunch of people trying to get to their lockers like me before our next classes.
As I was finally able to reach my locker I typed in my code and pulled out a black hoodie I quickly pulled over my head and put it on.

"Y'know I think you did the right thing hittin' that white boy like that" a random dude said next to me
"Oh I'm Ezra Bryson by the way" he said offering his hand towards me
"I'm Theodore Hunt but Theo's fine" I said shaking his hand
"Nice to meet ya - these are sum rough hands, you play some type of sport?" He asked
"Really? Well our schools football team is desperately looking for new and fresh meat y'know"
"Aw hell no" I declined laughing lightly,
I'm definitely not going to play in our schools football team with Peter
"Aw Cmon man why not?"
"Isn't it already to late to join any clubs and sport teams?"
"Like I said we are desperately looking for new recruits"
"What happened to the others"
"Err most of them had to quit cuz of their grades but that doesn't matter right now - what matters is that you seem like the perfect person to join us"
"Y'know what? Think about It first and then we'll see"

I was about to close my locker when he asked me again
"Sooo you joining us now?"
"You literally just gave me less than 10 seconds to think about it" I stated dumbfounded
"Why don't you just come to practice today, like right after school and just watch hm?"
"Great See you later then" and with that Ezra disappeared into the crowd.

I could stay and watch for a while but I'm definitely not joining the football team.
Especially knowing that Peter is there too.

"Oh my god" Ashley said out of breath as she rushed towards me to hug me tightly
"I heard about what happened today at lunch and I needed to check if you're alright"
"There's no need to worry - I feel better now" I said,
"Does is still hurt?"
"What? Oh you mean these?" I asked showing her my bandaged hands
"No they don't, not very much at least"
"Is that... is that lipgloss on your lips?" She asked eyeing my face closely
"No" I said wiping my mouth with the back of my hand quickly
"Mhm well I gotta keep going" she said before leaving.

A sigh escaped my lips as I made my way to my next class.

A/N: Quick question for you guys I just wanted to ask you guys what you expect to happen in the coming chapters and so on for example you want you want Theo and Imani to go on a date or something like that anyways that's it

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