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Act 1-Chapter 1: DnD

"Something is coming. Something hungry for blood," Mike Wheeler began, "A shadow grows on the wall behind you. Swallowing you in darkness. It's almost here..." A group five children sat around a wooden table with a dungeons and dragons board laying in the centre of it. All of them staring intently at the board.

"What is it?" Will Byers, a small shy boy asked excitedly.

"What if it's the demogorgon? We're in deep shit if it's the demogorgon!" Dustin Henderson stated sliding down his chair.

"It's not the demogorgon," Lucas Sinclair objected.

"Yeah Dustin, it's definitely not the demogorgon," Avery Byers, twin siter to will, agreed. There were a few seconds of silence and then Mike began again. 

"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber," Mike continued the campaign, slamming six winged figures onto the board.

"Troglodytes?!" Dustin yelled in disbelief.

"Ha!" Avery laughed.

"Toldja," Lucas bragged after his prediction was right.

"Wait... do you hear that? Boom! Boom! Boom! That sound, that didn't come from Troglodytes. No. It came from something else," Mike went on. He then slams a two-headed monster figure onto the board, "The demogorngon!"

"We're in deep shit!" Dustin cried.

"Will! Your action!" Mike demanded. 

Will looked around at his friends for help, "I don't know!" 

"Fireball him!" Lucas shouted.

"I'd have to roll a thirteen or higher," Will told him.

"It's too risky. Cast a protection spell," Dustin shouted from the opposite side of Will.

Lucas and Dustin had an argument about it until Mike butted it, "The demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you. Boom!"

Lucas and Dustin kept telling Will to use an action as Mike moved the figurine towards Wills wizard figure on the board. After, a few seconds Will decided on his choice.

"Fireball!" Will yelled throwing the dice aggressively. All of five of the children watched as the dice rolled off of the table.

"What is it?!" Lucas asked.

"I don't know," Will replied.

"Is it a thirteen?" Dustin asked.

"I don't know!" Will yelled, annoyed at himself for throwing the dice to hard. The five of them scramble around looking for the dice when a womens voice echoes through the Wheelers basement yelling Mikes name. It was his mother. Mike ran upstairs to his mom to see what she needed whilst the others kept looking for the dice.

"I got it!" Will eventually yelled looking at the dice, "Does a seven count?"

"It was a seven?" Lucas asked annoyed whilst Will nods. "Did Mike see it?" he asked again whilst Will shakes his head. "Then it doesn't count," he stated.

"Guys! Does anyone want this?" Dustin asked holding a pizza box with one slice of pizza left in it. The three of them shake their heads so he runs out of the basement holding the box. The others go outside getting ready to bike home. Dustin walks out of the door.

"Somethings wrong with your sister," Dustin complains.

"What are you talking about?" Mike asks

"She's got a stick up her butt," Dustin carried on complaining.

"It's because she's seeing that douchebag, Steve Harrington," Lucas added.

"Yeah, she's turning into a real jerk," Dustin finished.

"She's always been a jerk," Mike said.

"Nu-uh! She used to be cool!" Avery joined in, "Remember that time she dressed up as an elf for our Eldertree campaign?"

"Four years ago!" Mike defended his statement.

"Just saying," Avery mutters. Dustin and Lucas begin to bike away. The twins do as well when Avery remember something.

"Oh right! I left my backpack downstairs! Will, you go ahead, I'll catch up!" she says getting off her bike and running down to the basement to grab her backpack. She arrived back to the garage where her bike was to see Mike waiting for her.

"I better get going before mom worries," she said.

"Yeah... okay, see you tomorrow!" he said. The girl set off on her bike and rode back home.

Little did she know, her brother wouldn't be there when she got home...

(A/N: First Chapter! There won't be any updates from tomorrow (October 15th, 2022) until the Friday after (October 21st, 2022) since I'm away. But if you liked this chapter, please vote and comment! Since it tells me that you liked it. I'll see you in a week!)

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