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Act 1-Chapter 15: Bad men

Avery was in the bathroom with El, helping her clean of all the dirt and blood that she had been covered in from that day. She lifted her hand up to her shaved head, with a frown.

"You don't need it El," Avery told her.

"Still pretty?" the girl asked.

"Of course you are," Avery responded and pulled El in for a hug, "I'm happy your home."

"Me to," El replied, smiling.

The bathroom door eventually flew open, revealing Dustin.

"Guys! It's Lucas. I think he's in trouble," he panted. The two ran out of the room to hear what had to be said.

"Remeber how he said he was looking for the gate?" Dustin questioned the two who had sat down on the sofa next to Mike. Avery nodded at him, "What if he found it?" Dustin picked up the walkie talkie that had Lucas' muffled shouts coming from it.

"What's he saying?" Avery asked him.

"I don't know, he's way out of range!" the curly haired boy huffed. 

Mike had now snatched the radio and tried talking to him.

"Lucas, if you can hear us. Slow down, we can't understand you," Mike told him. The four had no clue what the boy on the opposite end was saying. He was talking too fast, making the sound all muffled on the radio.

"Mad hen? Is that a code word or something?" Dustin asked the group. After a few seconds, Mike came to a realisation.

"Bad men."

The group told El to stay downstairs whilst they ran upstairs to see if the bad men where there. They saw a van labelled, 'Hawkins. Power and light,' The bad men where here. Mike ran to ask his mom a question whilst Avery ran back to the basement and Dustin went to tell Mike.

The three grabbed their things and ran to their bikes, which they collected a little after the incident with Troy and James. They quickly began to bike away to safety. The bad men spotted them. They all began to walk towards them slowly, causing them to bike fater and faster. The men got into the vans and chase after them. Dustin was communicating with Lucas through the super com. They planned to meet at Elm and Cherry to regroup with Lucas.

Eventually, they made it to a main road. Thinking they were safe, when two vans appeared behind them. 

"Shit!" Dustin yelled.

They kept biking and biking, going the fastest way they could think of to get to the meeting point, which meant driving through a park.

The group of four eventually found Lucas on Elm and Cherry.

"I think we lost 'em," Dustin panted. As if by magic, as soon as that was said, the vans appeared behind them again. The now group of five began to bike again, when one appeared in front. They were blocked in. Avery, Mike, Dustin and Lucas all tried thinking of a plan, when it flew up and above their heads. El had used her powers to flip the van for their safety blocking the other vans from getting past, even if it wasted a lot of her energy.

They kept biking for safety when they eventually reached the same place their argument occured, the day before.

"Oh holy shit! Did you see what she did to that van?" Dustin yelled to them, getting off of his bike. 

"No Dustin, we missed it," Avery replied, sarcasticlly.

"I mean, that was... that was," Dustin began, not being able to finish.

"That was awesome," Lucas finished, walking up to the girl, who just saved their lives, "Everything that I said about you being a traitor and stuff. I was wrong. I'm sorry." 

"Friends. Friends don't lie. I'm sorry to," El replied.

"Me to," Mike said walking closer and sticking his hand out for Lucas to shake. 


The five were now sat in a circle, Lucas explaining everything that he saw to them. 

"This is Randolph road, right here. The fence starts here and goes all the way around," Lucas told them, "This is the lab right here. The gates gotta be in there somewhere. It's gotta be!"

"Who owns Hawkins lab?" Dustin asked him. Lucas told them that the sign said, 'department of energy,' Dustin questioned what he was talking about when Mike spoke up.

"It means government. Military," he informed them, Avery questioned why the sign would say what it did if it was almost the opposite, "trust me, alright? It's military, my dad told me before."

"Mike's right," Lucas agreed, "Soldiers out front."

"Do they make lightbulbs or something?" Dustin asked.

"No weapons to fight the russians and commies and stuff," Mike sighed.

"Weapons," Lucas repeated, looking at El.

The four of them made an agreement that they couldn't go home, they were, in Mike's words, fugitives now. Dustin then heard something in the distance. A helicopter. The other four noticed it and quickly hid their bikes under a bus and all went into it, hiding from what they knew was the bad men. 

The five were sat in silence in the bus, waiting for the bad men to clear the area, and move on to look somewhere else. Breaking the silence, a muttered voice came from Mike's backpack. 

"You guys hear that?" Dustin asked them, hoping he wasn't going crazy. The voice was repeating Mike's name. The boy rushed to get the radio out of his bag to see who it was. He turned it on and it was Nancy. She was asking where they were, if they copied, "Okay this is really weird."

Lucas went to take the walkie talkie from Mike to respond but he pulled it away. "Don't answer!" Mike told him.

"She said it was an emergency!" Lucas told him.

"What if it's a trick!" Mike asked him.

"It's your sister!" Avery agreed with Lucas.

"What if the bad people kidnapped her? What if they're forcing her to say this?" he asked the group. Dustin made a reference to a movie that nobody paid attention to then agreed with Mike. 

"Listen, kid. This is the chief. If you're there, pick up. We know you're in trouble and we know about the girl," the voice of Chief Jim Hopper said from the opposite end of the line.

"Why is she with the chief?" Lucas asked them, making his point proven that Nancy had most likely not been kidnapped. 

"How the hell does he know?" Avery asked, looking at El. Hopper said something else which eventually made Mike give in. He turned on the walkie talkie to speak.

"Yes, I copy. It's Mike. I'm here," he said then looked around at the rest of the group, "we're here."

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