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Act 3~Chapter 9: The hospital

Nancy drove the group to the hospital where Mrs. Driscoll was staying. The seven of them got out of the car and walked towards the entrance, and walking in.
"No, that is not mean. That is honest. She won't find out," the woman at the front desk spoke into the phone.
Nancy lead them all by the desk, hoping she was too busy on her phone to realise.
"See, you're the only one who gon' tell-" the woman said, cutting her self off, "Who, whoa, whoa! Excuse me! Where do you think you're going?"
Nancy stopped turning around to face the desk.
"Oh, um..." she began, "I was just going to visit my grandma again. And- and this... this is my family"
"Extended," Lucas added, after getting a strange look from the woman.
"I don't care who they are. You know the rules. Two visitors at a time," the woman explained.
"Yeah, but-"
"Two!" she yelled. Before Nancy could continue her argument, the woman picked up the phone, continuing her conversation with whoever was on the other end.


The group of seven decided that Nancy and Johnathan would go in, whilst the others waited in the waiting room. The party were all sat in the boring room, doing anything they could to keep themselves entertained.
Mike and Lucas had walked over to the vending machine, Mike put in his money and pressed the button of the food he wanted. The machine whirred and Mike's snack got stuck.
"Oh, come on, you piece of shit!" he shouted, hitting it to try and get the food out. Avery nudged El and nodded her head in the direction of the boys. El understood and used her powers to shake the machine, allowing a lot of the candy to fall out. The two turned around to see El wiping her nose and Avery walking away, her arms crossed, sitting next to her brother, beginning to talk to him.
"Thanks," Mike said, smiling, ducking down with Lucas grab a handful of packets of food.
Avery looked over at the two crouched down who were whispering to one another. She saw Mike nod and the two stood up, Lucas walking over to Max and El. Lucas opened his packet of skittles after a second and began throwing them into Max's mouth, El watching and laughing.
"Hey Will, you wanna play?" Lucas asked. Will nodded, standing up and walking over to the three. As soon as Will had left the seat, Mike had sat down in the same one. He opened an M&M packet and put one in his mouth.
"Hey," he said, swallowing the candy, "Does your species like M&M's?"
Avery smiled, putting her hand out, allowing him to pour some into her palm.
"I'm sorry about what I said by the way," he said after a few seconds of a comfortable silence, Avery looked at him confused, "The other day when you came over. I'm sorry at what I said. I was thinking about it since the mall and I realised it was a really shitty thing to say."
She looked at him, happy for his apology.
"I'm sorry to," she said, "I really overreacted and should've just talked to you about it rather than breaking up with you in front of everyone."
The two smiled and Mike brought her into a side hug, Avery rested her head on his shoulder, smiling.


The six of them were still sat in the waiting room, talking about random things, that they haven't been able to talk about for the last few days with the Mind Flayer scare. That was until the lights flashed. Will stood up, touching the back of his neck.
"Will are you okay?" Avery asked, getting up from her chair next to Mike and placed a hand on her brother's shoulder.
"He's here," Will said, turning around to face them all.
The six of them stood up, walking straight by the front desk to find Nancy and Jonathan, being shouted at about the amount of people walking by.
They walked towards the elevator, walking as quickly as they could to not cause a scene. Max continuously pressed the button, but it wasn't opening.
"Stairs," Mike said, looking at the large concrete stairs, leading the group over to them. They all ran up the stairs, hoping to get to the couple before it was too late. El stopped at a door when she heard screeches from the other side. She flicked her head forwards, causing the door to fly off of its hinges, hitting something. A red, fleshy monster turned around, facing them. Shrieking extremely loudly, showing off its sharp, white teeth that were coated in blood.
"Holy shit!"
"What the f-" The monster roared, cutting Max off. El threw her hand to the side with a yell, using her powers to throw the creature into the wall. She then repeated the action on the other side, then to the ceiling, and then to the floor.
The monster, growled, looking at the party, mainly El. She yelled, using both her hands to push the creature throw a window, causing it to fall right onto the parking lot in front of the hospital.
Jonathan ran into the room with Nancy in, the party beginning to run down towards the parking lot to continue the fight.

They reached the entrance, El stopped, throwing her arms to the side to stop others from walking in front. They all stared down, watching the monster slowly going into a sewer, leaving nothing but a very bloody bone behind.

(A/N: Hey! Mike and Avery are finally happy again and like each other! I missed them! Also we are kinda close to the end of season 3, which is so sad of how season 3 ends, but we won't talk about that and just think about the happy bits (which isnt a lot but we can just ignore that) I am honestly so excited for season 4. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please vote and comment and stuff. Remember to eat enough and drink enough and I hope you have/had an amazing day! :D)

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