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Act 4~Chapter 1: Lenora Hills High School

Dear Mike,

Today is day 185. Feels more like ten years. Joyce says time is funny like that. Emotions can make it speed up or slow down.

We are all time travellers if you think about it. For example, this week is going pretty fast. I think it's because I am really busy. I have to make a visual aid. I really hope I can get an A.

Some exciting news, Mom got that telemarketer job she interviewed for when we first got here. We all thought she didn't get it since they took so long to get back to her, but she got it! She loves it since she gets to work from home. She says she loves the freedom of it.

Will is painting a lot, but he won't show me, El and Jonathan what he's working on. I think it is for a girl. I think there is someone he likes. He has been acting kinda weird lately.

Jonathan has been acting weird too. I'm pretty sure he is just nervous about college. He is still waiting for his big letter. I really hope he and Nancy get to go together. But I don't know how he'll get to college because his car is still broken. His friend Argyle has been taking us all to school. He and Jonathan smoke together. El found out somehow, but Jonathan lied, saying the plants are super safe because they are from the earth, but to not tell mom.

El has been getting a lot better at her grammar, math is still her best subject but she is still doing pretty good. She has finally gotten used to having a normal life, no more Upside Down business to ruin everything.

As for me, I am twice as happy. Me, Angela, Stacy and Chad are getting along really well. The three of them don't really get along with El though. I'm kind of enjoying it here. At first, I missed all the spring flowers, but now I find it really pretty here too. Everyone here in Lenora is nice!

I definitely am ready for spring break, mostly because I get to see you. I am so excited to see you. Are you excited too? El and Will are really sorry that they can't come. El still can't fly in a plane and Will can't leave her alone. Jonathan really wanted to come and see Nancy but couldn't for some reason. I guess he just doesn't want to miss his acceptance letter if it comes over the week. I think us two will have the best spring break ever though. I miss you so much.

Love, Ava.

Avery was sat at her desk, adding the last few finishing touches to her project. She decided to do her project on Emmeline Pankhurst, one of the main leaders of the Suffragettes. Will was doing his on Alan Turing and El was doing hers on her father, Jim Hopper.

Once breakfast had been eaten and the kids were all ready for school, Argyle had driven onto the driveway, honking the horn to tell the family he was outside. The four kids trampled into the back of Argyle's 'Surfer Boy Pizza' van, Jonathan getting in the front next to his friend, Argyle reversing and speeding away.
"Slow down!" Joyce shouted to the van, but they were too far away to hear.

The four eventually arrived at school, Jonathan and Argyle walked over to the other building whilst the three others walked through the halls towards their first class. A girl waved in the direction of them, causing El to smile at her and happily wave back. The girl gave Eleven a look of disgust and walked by talking to another girl that was walking behind the three.

Once arriving to Mrs. Gracey's room. They walked in and pushed through the small groups of people talking to their friends before the class began. El found her seat in the middle of the room whilst Will sat next to her and Avery went to her seat on the second row, next to the window with Stacy next to her, Angela in front of her and Chad in front of Stacy, the four of them being able to talk to one another easily.

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