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Act 4~Chapter 2: Back in Hawkins

"Ava! Wake up, we gotta get to the airport!" Joyce shouted, knocking on her door. Avery slept horribly that night, the argument with Will was on her mind all night. She looked at the clock in her room and saw she had around four hours until her flight. She groaned and got up, she slowly and tiredly got dressed, not having any effort or energy to do anything. She picked up her suitcase and backpack and dragged them both downstairs. She sat at the table with the rest of her family were already in the kitchen eating breakfast.

The whole meal was silent and awkward. Will and Avery were refusing to look at one another, Joyce was washing the dishes and Jonathan and El refused to say anything. Once Avery finished eating, she gave her bowl to her mother and went upstairs. She finished everything she had to do and then went downstairs to tell her mom that she was ready to go. She said goodbye to El and Jonathan, hugging them tightly and giving a small, awkward smile and a wave to Will.

Her and her mother packed the case and backpack into the trunk of the car and got in the front.
"So? What happened with you and Will?" Joyce asked, ten minutes into the journey.
"Just a stupid fight, that's all," Avery replied.
"And you didn't say goodbye to your twin brother because of a 'stupid fight'?" her mother continued.
"It's nothing, I'll call him when I get to Mike's," she said.
"Alright, alright."
The rest of the car ride was silent again, once they arrived at the airport, Joyce assisted Avery until she got to security and then had to leave.
The mother and daughter hugged tightly, saying goodbye. Avery took her passport, boarding pass and everything she needed for the flight from her mother. She said bye one more time to her mother and went through security. She eventually got on the plane, listening to 'Dancing Queen' by ABBA on her walkman, and flew to Hawkins. Her home.

The flight was around four hours, and another hour to get through security and bag checks.
That's when she saw him. Sat waiting for her with his mother. Michael Wheeler. Mike saw her through the crowd of people and waved, she waved back and weaved her way through the crowd. Once reaching the other end, she ran over to him, as Mike stood up, going to do the same when he was tackled into a tight hug. It had been three months since they had seen each other, but it felt like three years. The two pulled away from the hug and gave each other a quick peck on the lips.
"Hi Ava! It's so nice to see you again!" Mrs. Wheeler said, smiling at the young girl.
"You too, Mrs. Wheeler," Avery smiled back, "Hey... er... where is everyone else?"
Mike had told her in their last phone call a few weeks ago that Max, Dustin, Lucas and Nancy were all meant to be here to pick the girl up from the airport.
"Nancy had an emergency call from work and Lucas is probably out with his cool, new, basketball friends celebrating their championship game win from yesterday. Max and Dustin haven't said anything though," Mike explained, his arm resting over his girlfriend's shoulders as they walked out of the airport.

The car ride back to the Wheeler's wasn't that long. Avery and Mike ran upstairs to put Avery's bags down. She sat her backpack down on the familiar blowup mattress that Avery would always sleep on whenever she stayed over. She sat next to the boy on his bed and looked at him, the two staring at each other.
"I missed you, so much," he chuckled a bit.
"Me too," she said. The two leant in, their lips connecting in the middle.
"Michael! Dustin's on the phone!" Mrs. Wheeler shouted to her son. Mike went downstairs, Avery going to the bathroom quickly. She did her business, washed her hands and went to turn the door handle when her head started aching. Quite painfully. She released the handle, grabbing her head. The pain had stopped slightly after a few seconds.
"Ava! You okay in there?" Mike asked, knocking on the door.
"Yeah, coming," she said, taking her hands off her head. She grabbed the door handle and turned it, opening it to reveal Mike Wheeler stood just outside.
"Come on. We need to go to Family Video," he told her. Avery looked at him confused, but followed him outside, grabbing Nancy's bike (which she was told to do by Mike), following Mike towards the video store where Steve and Robin worked after their previous job at 'Scoops Ahoy' was destroyed by the Battle at Starcourt Mall.

The two saw the familiar flaming red hair and curly brown hair of Max Mayfield and Dustin Henderson waiting outside of the video store. The couple placed their bikes on the side of the store and went over to the two others.
"Ava!" Max smiled, running over to her with Dustin behind her, the two of them bringing Avery into a hug, "We are so sorry we weren't at the airport. Something really, really bad came up."
"Wait, what happened?" Avery asked, Mike looking just as confused behind her.
Max and Dustin both explained what had happened. A young cheerleader named Chrissy Cunningham was found dead in a trailer in the trailer park next to Max's. Max and Dustin believed that Eddie Munson, a senior in high school was the one that killed her. The four of them walked into the store to see Robin and Steve putting a phone down.
"We might have a lead," Robin said after a brief greeting with Mike and Avery.
"Seriously?" Dustin and Max asked, in shock.
"Apparently, Eddie gets drugs from some guy name Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there," Robin explained.
"Sounds promising," Max nodded, "Where does this Reefer Rick live?"
"See that's the thing. No one knows," Robin said, "He's more of a... a legend than someone that people actually know."
"What about a last name?" Dustin asked.
"I don't know that either," Robin said.
"Bet the cops know the last name," Steve chimed in.
"What?" Max asked
"Cops," he repeated, "I mean, listen, if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer, I guarantee you he's been busted at some point. Means he's in the system."
"The cops?" Dustin asked, "Really, Steve? That's your suggestion?"
"I mean, I just think they should be filled in on what we know, what's going on," Steve reasoned.
"You think Eddie's guilty, don't you?" Dustin questioned.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I believe in innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit. I just, you know, don't think we can rule it out," the older boy reasoned.
"That's precisely what we're trying to do here, Steve," Max explained.
"And maybe, we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time trying to find a girlfriend, and more time trying to find Eddie," the curly haired boy explained.
"Somebody has to attend to the customers," Steve reasoned.
"Especially if they're babes, right?" Robin joked, winking at Steve.
"Hey, not fair. Okay? I attend to all customers equally, babes and non-babes alike," Steve said, "We've got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people."
"Yeah, it can be," Robin agreed, getting an idea, she turned around and walked to her computer, sitting down at the chair with the others behind her.
"What are you doing?" Avery asked.
"Maybe we don't need a last name," she said simply, typing something on the keyboard, "Twelve Ricks have accounts here."
"That's a lot of Ricks," Max said.
"So, let's narrow it down," Robin said. The older girl selected the different Ricks, looking through the movies they had rented, judging on the movies rented, it was rather easy to see which Rick was the Rick they were looking for.
"Rick Lipton," she said, selecting the fifth Rick on the list, "Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Cheech & Chong's Next Movie, Cheech & and Chong's Nice Dreams, Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke."
"Bingo," Dustin chuckled along with the rest of the group, seeing the extremely obvious movies.
"Lipton?" Max asked.
"Spelled like the tea. 2121 Holland Road," Robin told them.
"That's out by Lovers Lake," Mike said.
"Middle of nowhere," Max added.
"It's the perfect place to hide," Robin smiled, turning the computer off.

The six ran outside, getting into Steve's car. Before Avery could get into the car, she was pulled back by the wrist by her boyfriend.
"Are you sure you want to go? I mean, you were so excited to spend spring break back here and, I know Eddie, he wouldn't kill someone. We can just go back to mine and just spend the day together," Mike asked.
"Yes, I'm sure," Avery said, "I mean, even if it's not this Eddie guy, people are still being murdered, so we wouldn't be able to do much anyway. At least this way, we can be with the others."
"You guys coming or what?" Dustin asked, rolling the window down.
"Yeah, one sec," Mike said, Dustin nodded, putting the window back up, "If at any point, you wanna leave, tell me and we can go."
Avery nodded at her boyfriend, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. The two went and sat down in the back of the car as Steve pulled out of his parking space and drove to Reefer Ricks house.

(A/N: All the drama of season four has officially started. There is a little something in this chapter that will be used later. If you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to vote and comment and remember to eat and drink enough. I hope everyone has a good day/night! Love you :D)

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