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Act 1-Chapter 18: The demogorgon.

After a few minutes, Dustin yelled to the two that the chocolate pudding was found and they would be back into the cafeteria in a few minutes.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into all this," Avery said.

"Dragged me into this? How did you do that?" Mike asked her.

"I didn't ask Will to wait for me at yours a couple days ago. If I just did that, he would be here right now," she admitted.

"Ava. Stop saying this is your fault, cuz it is not your fault. How were you meant to know that all this was gonna happen?" he comforted her.

"I know, I just feel so bad about it. Like, even if mom saves him and he's fine, that tiny bit of guilt that this shit never would've happened if I just asked him to wait will always be there," she began to tear up a bit. Mike grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. They looked at each other and slowly leant in. Nobody would run in this time. Seconds before they were about to connect, a car door slammed outside, causing them both to seperate.

"Oh come on!" Avery yelled. 

"Nancy?" Mike whispered, hoping his sister was back to protect them and ignoring what the girl next to him just said.

He got up from the table and ran out to see who it was. Dustin and Lucas placed a large amount of chocolate pudding on the table that Avery was sat at, so they could all keep their enegry up, and so El had enough energy to use her powers again. Before they could tuck into the food, Mike ran back in again.

"Guys! Guys!" Mike yelled.

"What is it?" Dustin asked, picking up one of the pudding cans.

"They found us."

The party grabbed their bags and began running to avoid the bad men.

"How did they find us?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym," Mike told them.

"Lando!" Dustin muttered.

The doors in front of them burst open, revealing the bad men.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" Avery shouted at them.

They all turned around and sprinted in the opposite direction down the hall. As they went through a door, more bad men appeared. They then ran in a different direction and once again, down the corrider, bad men appeared. The appeared behind them to, trapping them in. El stared directly at the ones in front angrily, the flashlights they were holding began to flicker and blood poured out of the bad mens eyes. They eventually dropped to the floor. Dead. Both in front of them and behind them had all dropped dead. El then fell to the floor to, passing out from exhaustion. She used too much energy. The four all knelt down besides her, trying to get her to wake her up. They were calling her name hoping something would happen.

"She's barely breathing,"  Mike told them.

"We gotta go!" Lucas said.

"Leave her!" an old mans voice demanded, bad men behind him with loaded guns, "step away from the child."

"No! You want her, you have to kill us first!" Mike shouted at him. 

"That's right!" 

"Eat shit!"


Four soldiers came up from behind, grabbing them, stopping them from running to El. They were all yelling to be released whilst the old man walked up to El, holding her in his arms. He whispered some words that could not be heared due to all the shouting from the four  behind them.

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