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Act 2-Chapter 2: MADMAX

Avery woke up, got dressed, had breakfast and did everything she would usually do in the morning. She walked out of her room after finishing to see her brother sat on the sofa staring, deep in thought at the TV.

"Hey Will? You okay?" she asked, putting her lunch in her bag and closing it.

"Yeah, don't worry about it," he said grabbing his bag and putting it on his shoulder. The two along with their mother got in the car and were driven to school, sat in silence the whole drive there.

Once they arrived to school, the two walked over to their lockers that were next to each other. They opened them and Will pulled something out of his.

"What's that?" Avery asked, pushing her bag into her locker and grabbing her science book. She shut the locker and walked behind her brother, looking over his shoulder to see. It was one of the missing posters from last year with Will's eyes crossed out with the words 'Zombie Boy' written largely next to it, "Is this what you were thinking about earlier?"

"Erm... yeah," he lied. Avery didn't say anything even though she could see through his lie and snatched the sheet out of his hand.

"Don't listen to them. Just ignore them and if someone says it again, just tell me. I'm your sister it's what I'm here for," she said crumbling up and throwing it in the bin next to the lockers. Will grabbed his book and the two walked to class and sat down with their friends.


"Meet the human brain." Mr. Clarke said, placing a model on his desk at the front, causing Lucas, Dustin, Will and Mike to all stare at him excitedly with large toothy grins, "Now, I know, I know, it doesn't loo like much. A little gross even, right? But consider this there are a hundred billion..." his voice slowly went quieter as Avery lay on her desk almost asleep. Mike kicked her gently trying to get her to pay attention, she lifted her head up to see what was needed and put it back down after. She was only properly awaken when the classroom door slammed shut, she looked up and saw a ginger haired girl walking in with their principal. 

"Ah this must be our new student," the teacher began.

"Indeed it is. All yours," the Principal said, walking out of the classroom. The girl began to walk to a free seat at the back of class before being stopped by the teacher.

"All right. Hold up there. You don't get away that easy," he told her ushering her to stand next to the desk and introduce herself, "Dustin. Drum roll."

Dustin closed his book and began drumming on it.

"Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage. Maxine!" Mr. Clarke said, poiting both hands at the girl next to him as Dustin finished the drum rool.

"It's Max," she muttered. Mr. Clarke looked at her confused, "Nobody calls me Maxing. It's Max."

 Lucas turned around and whispered to Dustin, "MADMAX?" after recognising the name.

Mr. Clarke welcomed her to the class and carried on the lesson, telling them about homework and what to read through when at home.


During lunch, the party was watching Max skateboard, observing if she was MADMAX or not. 

"There is no way that's MADMAX!" Mike told them.

"Yeah! Girls don't play video games!" Will said.

"I'm right here but okay," Avery nudged her brother sniggering a bit.

"Anyway, even if any other girls did, you can't get 750,000 points in Dig Dug. It's impossible!" Mike said, strongly believing there was no way it could be her.

"But her name is Max," Lucas said.

"Ugh, you guys are boring me. I'm just gonna go ask her," Avery said beginning to walk away from the party and to the supposed MADMAX. 

Avery walked over to the girl just as she hopped off her skateboard.

"Hi, your Max right?" Avery asked, looking over at the four boys she just left who were still discussing who Max was.

"Yeah I am, who are you?" Max replied.

"Oh, I'm Avery," she said. Avery began explaining to her people to avoid, slightly hinting about video games and the arcade.

"Who do you hang out with then?" Max asked.

"Oh, I hang out with those guys over there," Avery said, pointing towards the four boys who were bickering over something. 

"The stalkers?" Max jokingly. Avery nodded and they started talking again.

"I better get going but first I need to just give something to your friends," Max said walking over to the stone steps and lying a bit of paper on it. Max shown it to Avery and she chuckled at the message written on the paper. Max chucked the note in the trash and ran up the steps and inside the building. Avery leant up against them as she saw the four run over to her. They immediately went to the trash can covering Dustin as he looked through it. People were walking past staring disgustedly at them.

"I got it!" Dustin said, his head emmerging from the trash can, holding aloft the crumpled piece of paper that Max threw in it. The four of them looked at the paper over Dustins shoulder, reading the words 'Stop spying on me creeps' that Max wrote to them, "Well shit!"

"William Byers," a voice said behind them. They all looked up and turned around to see the Principal, "Your mother is here.

The smile on Wills face turned to a frown. Avery walked with her brother to the lockers and to the front with the principal behind them. Once at the car, their mother waved to them, holding a lit cigarette in her hand. The Principal left and Will got into the car.

"Ava, you know what your doing later right?" her mother asked.

"Yup, I'm going to Mike's and you'll pick me up from his," Avery said. Her mother smiled at her and got back in the car. She waved to her daughter and they both left. 

(A/N: I'm sorry for not uploading in like a month, I have had no motivation, no ideas and have been super busy with homework and out of school things. Even though it was over a month ago, I hope you had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year if you celebrate that. Also make sure to vote and comment on this with some ideas and save the fanfic to 'reading list' or 'Library' so you get notified when I upload this :D)

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