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Act 1-Chapter 8: The body

After school, the four of them biked back to the Wheeler's house. Dustin adn Lucas grabbed their bags and biked to the power lines behind the house to find El staring at a ginger cat.

"El!" Mike said, wheeling his bike towards her.

"You okay?" Avery asked. The shaved haired girl nodded at her question.

Mike tapped the back of his bike saying,  "Hop on. We only have a few hourse." The girl sis as she was told and jumped onto the back of his bike. Avery felt a wave of jealousy wash over her. 

Dustin, Lucas and Avery were a bit ahead of the other two and the two boys could see the girl in between them looking back at the other two, angrily.

"Ava, you are so jealous right now," Lucas joked.

"So what if I am? I have the right to be," Avery replied, "This random girl shows up and now all he wants to do is talk about her and talk to her. Everything he wants to do involves Eleven."

The two boys looed behind them at El grabbing onto Mike's waist so she wouldn't fall off of the bike. They turned back to the girl next to them.

"Yeah, I guess your right," Dustin agreed. Avery rode ahead of everyone in anger and kept looking for her brither. Mike then caught up with the other two boys and replaced Avery's spot between them both.

"What's up with Ava?" Mike asked the two of next to him.

"You are so stupid sometimes Mike," Lucas sighed, catching up with the girl ahead.


It had been a few hours since they left, they were wheeling their bikes through the woods. Mike and El were a little ahead of the group.

"Avery, if your so jealous, tell Mike how you feel," Lucas told her.

"No! I'm not jealous that him and El are close," she lied, "It's just that he's ditching us for her! Look at them now," she pointed her hand at the two of them in front who were laughing with each other.

"I know that's a lie but I agree. You shoulds till tell him though. The three of them spoke about El and Mike until the two of them stopped at the end of the wood, waiting for the others to catch up.

It was dark now, maybe 7-8pm. They eventually stopped at the Byers house.

"Why am I home? Will isn't here!" Avery told the girl.

"Hiding," was all El replied with, only just loud enough for them to hear.

"No! This is where we live! He's missing from here," Avery yelled at her.

"What are we doing here?" Lucas asked, who had just arrived with Dustin, throwing his bike to the ground. 

"She said, he's hiding here!" Avery told the two boys behind her.

"Erm... No!" Lucas yelled at the girl.

"I swear if we walked all athe way out here for nothing!" Dustin said.

"That is exactly what we did!" Avery interrupted him.

"Why did you bring us here?"  Mike turned towards El who said nothing in return.

Mike and Lucas began yelling at each other, Lucas complaing about El and Mike defending her, like he usually was. Eleven was standing watching the boys argue. Avery and Dustin walked and sat on the grass, leaning against the Byers house. They both heard the slight echo of sirens. They shrugged it off and sat in silence again. Then they heard the sirens again, a little louder this time but they still shrugged it off. Until multiple police cars and fire trucks and ambulances drove by. Something had happened.

"Hey guys?" Dustin yelled quietly, standing up and watching the red and blue lights flash through the trees. 

"Guys!" Avery shouted. The two boys turned to looks at her and saw the lights and heard the sirens.

"Will," Mike whispered. The four of them grabbed their bikes, El getting on the back of Mike's. They all followed the sounds and colours to where all the vehicles were. They hid behind one of the ambulances and watched everything unfold.

Then Avery saw it. The familar red vest and checkered shirt that her brother was wearing on the day he went missing was pulled out of the water, lying lifelessly.

"It's not Will... it can't be," Avery told herseld, stepping backwards to find somewhere to sit and and take in what she just saw. 

"It's Will. It's really Will," Lucas replied. The thre boys and El turned around to face the girl sat down on a wall. Avery felt her eyes go all fuzzy with tears. Her brother was dead.

"This is all my fault! If I just asked him to wait, none of this would've happened!" Avery yelled. She put her hands over her eyes and leant her elbows on her knees. She felt someone sit next to her and wrap their arm around her shoulders and hug her. She wiped her eyes and saw Mike next to her. She hugged back and let it all out.

"Mike," El whimpered.

""Mike"? "Mike" what!" He yelled, still hugging Avery, "You were supposed to find him alive! You said he was alive! Why did you lie to us? Look at what you did to Avery! What's wrong with you?"

"Mike," El repeated.

"What!" he shouted. He stood up and helped the girl next to him up, "Come on Ava, let's get you home." The two of them grabbed their bikes and quickly began toride away. There was distant yelling from Lucas and Dustin as they rode away but they ignored them. The two eventuallt went seperate ways and Avery saw her mom running out of the house and her older brother in his car on the way hom. The girl ran up to her mother and hugged her =. Johnathan got out of his car and joined the hug. The other two began to break down.

Will Byers was really gone.

(A/N: I ligit almost cried writing this even tho Will isnt even dead omg. If you liked this please vote and leave suggestions on thing you would wanna see :D)

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