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Act 3-Chapter 1: The Day of the Dead

Kissing. That's how Mike Wheeler and Avery Byers spent doing most of the Summer. Kissing. Of course, they enjoyed it, but nobody else did. Especially Will. He mainly didn't enjoy the fact that their rooms were opposite each other which meant he could hear the laughing and the music from them both every single day they hung out. Today was no different. The two were sat on Avery's bed, listening to music and making out. 

Mike had one arm on her waist with the other on her arm whilst Avery had both of her hands around his neck.  

"And nobody wants to know now!" Mike singing along to the song that was being played, breaking away from Avery grabbing onto both of her arms, "Nobody want's to show you-"

"Mike," Avery laughed, trying to cover his mouth, "Mike, stop! Stop!"

"So if you're lost and on your own!" Mike continued, ignoring his girlfriends protests and pulling her arms back, away from his mouth.

"Mike, stop!" she laughed.

"You can never surrender," he continued, once again ingnoring Avery. His tone of singing made Avery laugh even more.

"What, you don't like it?" He asked, allowing the song to play on its own.

"No!" she laughed. The two laughed and looked at each other and then leant in for another kiss. The two kissed for another two or three minutes, only breaking apart to breathe, until there was a knock at the door. The two didn't hear dueto the loud music and the door was opened to reveal Will.

"Mike!" Will shouted, causing the two to realise someone was there and to pull apart, "stop eating my sister and lets go! We're already late!"

"Oh shit!" They both said, rushing to around to get ready for the movie they were going to go to with the rest of the party minus El who still wasn't allowed out of the house snd Dustin whilst he was at Summer Camp. The two ran out of the room, Will slightly behind them. They shouted bye to Mrs. Byers and Jonathan and went outside, hopped on their bikes and rode to Starcourt mall. The main hangout place during the summer of 1985.

 It was a small journey from the Byers house to the mall but they could easily tell when they had arrived from the large crowds walking towards and away from the brightly coloured signs showing that they had arrived. When they got off their bikes and wheeled them towards the bike wrack they saw Lucas Sinclair looking at his watch and Max Mayfield leaning on the wrack, waiting for their friends to arrive.

"You're late," Lucas pointed out as the three attached their bikes onto the metals poles. 

"Blame those to not me," Will said, pointing to Mike and Avery.

"Sorry," the two said in sync.

"Again! We're gonna miss the opening!" Lucas scolded, folding his arms. 

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it," Mike said, "Lets go."

""If you guys keep whining about whining about it. Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh"," Lucas imitated.

"Just please stop talking Lucas," Avery said pushing him towards the door, signalling for the others to follow them. 

"Let me guess, you were busy," Lucas said, smacking his lips, making a kissing noise.

"Oh, yeah, real mature Lucas," Mike said sarcastically.

""Oh Ava, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends"," Lucas mimmicked, causing Will to laugh at his joke.

"Lucas, stop," Max told him.

"Will thinks it's funny," he stated.

"Because it is," Will laughed. 

"Yeah, so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend," Mike sighed, putting his arm around Avery.

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend," Lucas said, copying Mike's action with Max. The group of five went over to the esculator and ran down, pushing threw the large crowd to get to Scoops Ahoy where Steve worked as quick as they could to sneak into the movie they wanted to see. 

"Sorry, sorry, sorry."

"Excuse me, I'm sorry."


"Watch it!"

"Yeah watch it, nerd!" Erica Sinclair, Lucas' little sister shouted.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas asked.

"Isn't it time you died?" she replied, causing Avery to giggle slightly, appologising when Lucas gave her a slight glare.



"Mall rat!"

"Fart Face!"

Lucas blew a rasperry in the direction of his sister and was pulled along by Max.

"Oh, now that was mature," Max scolded, turning him around and the two caught up with the others who had just entered Scoops Ahoy. Mike walked up to the counter where Robin, Steve's co-worker, was stood behind. Mike repeatedly rang the bell.

"Hey Dingus, your children are here," Robin yelled. Steve opened the windows from the back and looked between all of the kids.

"Again? Seriously?" Steve asked. Without a response, Mike hit the bell once again. Steve allowed the five of them to go to the back and use the back to sneak into the movie. 

"I swear, if anyone hears about this," Steve began, shouting down the hallway.

"We're dead!" the five of them finished, continuing to walk away from Steve.

After a minute or so of walking, they reached a door. Mike opened it and looked out to see if the coast was clear. 

"All clear," Mike looked back to the others, grabbing his girlfriends hand and leading them all out of the hall. They walked towards another door with a sign ssaying 'Day of the Dead'. Mike, Will and Avery sat on one row and Max and Lucas sat on the one in front. They pushed threw the rows and eventually got to the free open seats.

"See Lucas, we made it," Mike told him leaning forwards towards him as the title was shown.

"We missed the previews," Lucas said.

"Still made it. Fart Face," Max joked laughing slightly at him. Max turned back to face the screen as Will passed the snacks they had snook in between them all. After a few seconds of the movie playing, the screen flickered and went black, causing everyone in the crowd to scream and shout in protest. Not only had the power from the movie went off, the entire power from Starcourt went off. The entire power from Hawkins had went off.

Not even a minute after, the power had turned back on, meaning the movie had turned back on. The crowd cheered and began to eat their snacks again and watch the movie. Avery looked over at her brother who was next to her to see his hand on the back of his neck, staring blankly at the screen. 

"Will?" Avery asked her brother, causing his attention to turn to her, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Will replied, putting on a fake smile.

"Sure?" Avery questioned. Will nodded and properly smiled at his sister. Avery smiled pack and offered him a handful of m&m's from the box she was holding. Will accepted and they both turned back to the screen and carried on watching the movie. 

(A/N: Season 3 has officially begun! I'm so excited for it. I need a ship name for Mike and Avery so in A/Ns I have something easier to refer to them as so lmk if you have any ideas. Once again, might take a break you never know just depends how motivated I am since I am busy most days a week. Anyway, make sure to vote and comment and also make sure to eat and drink water and have a wonderful day/night :))

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