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Act 1-Chapter 13: Compromise

The next morning, Avery and Dustin were going to meet up at Mike's basement to, 1. Apologise to Lucas, and, 2. Find El.

Avery got there just before Dustin and ran down to the basement to see Mike sat on the couch, staring at the now destroyed fort that El had been staying in. She knew El was on of his best friends, so this would be hard for him.

He eventually noticed her, staring at the fort.

"I thought she'd come back. I really thought she would," he said sadly. Avery walked up to him, and sat down next to him.  She wrapped her arms around his neck to try and comfort him. He hesitated for a second and hugged her back. After a few minutes, the broke apart and just looked at each other. The two leant in, going to kiss. They closed their eyes, only inches apart, when someone spoke.

"Should I come back... or?" the voice of Dustin asked. The two on the sofa immediately moved apart and acted like nothing happened. They both went bright red. 

"Why do we always get interupted!" Avery yelled in her mind.

"N-No. It's fine," Mike said, trying to cover up his bright red face with his hands.

"I really can't believe El didn't come back," Avery stated, changing the subject.

"Well, she's gotta be close," Dustin replied.

"She said it wasn't safe. She just messed up the compasses because she wanted to protect us! She didn't betray us!" Mike said, loudly. Dustin was telling him to calm down, but he wasn't listening.

"I shouldn't have yelled at her! I never should've done that," Mike told himself, he was pacing around the floor. The two others kept telling him that it wasn't his fault, when Mike concluded it was Lucas's. The two of them disagreed.

"You're saying he wasn't way out of line?" Mike asked the two in disbelief.

"Totally!" Avery said.

"But so were you," Dustin carried on from what she was saying. Mike scoffed in disbelief, "And so was Eleven."

"Oh give me a break," he spat.

"No Mike you give me a break! All three of you were being a bunch of little assholes! Me and Ava were the only reasonable ones!" Dustin yelled at the boy in front of him, "But the bottom line is, you pushed first. And you know the rule. Draw first blood."

It was safe to say that Mike did NOT want to shake Lucas's hand but after both Avery and Dustin persuaded him, he eventually gave in. The three grabbed their bikes and rode to Lucas's house. It wasn't that far away but they wanted their bikes to look for El after the two made up.

Mike knocked on the door, that was eventually opened by Lucas.

"What do you want?" Lucas asked the three of them, very annoyed. Mike stood their in silence, until Avery hit him and gave him a look. He sighed and spoke.

"I drew first blood so," he said, sticking his arm out for Lucas to shake. The boy in front looked at it and told them to come inside, leading them into the living room. The three of them were stood in silence whilst Lucas paced back and forth in front of  them.

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